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Everything posted by kaydara

  1. I have a license of jasper professional and I found a problem, when trying to print PDF’s with flash charts to the printer. Almost all charts don’t print correctly, seems that they print the chart in his load process, so sometimes we get half of the chart, sometimes a chart with no values and other times the chart is OK! I have also disabled the animation option on the charts! This is a very critic situation, we need to print 400 pages with many charts… Post Edited by kaydara at 01/18/2011 16:20
  2. Is possible to output a rtf or doc with flash charts inside and be able to see them in the doc ?
  3. Hello, i created a report and generated it in HTML, is has some 3d flash charts and i can see them, till now everything OK! Now i have sent this HTML ( html file + folder ) in a zip to my boss and he was able to see also, so he sent to the client. The client told us that he can't see the flash charts, so we made a few tests, and in 10 PC's we are only able to see the charts in 3 PC's ( the PC's with jasper installed ) in all other 7 pc we can't also see the Flash charts. Is there any component that we should install in the PC's that don't have a full jasper installation in order to see the flash charts ?
  4. Thanks a lot man, is so simple to solve the problem :)
  5. thanks despec, that can be a option, but imagin that i have the title page full with my cover page of the report, i need a full A4 landscape page for my front page, any change to extend title in any way ?
  6. hy guys, Is possible to use php as datasource provider in any way ? I have many work under php for a database data and i would be nice to use that work and do not have to rewrite all in JAVA. Any tips for me ?
  7. Hello guys, i am creating a report and i'm having some doubts about the right use to give to the bands. In the title band i created my report first page, a page where i have a picture and some informations about the report. in the page header i defined the header that i want in all page of my report NOW, before i start listing data i want to include a table of contents... and the only thing i have to do that is a detail band, and i think detail band isn't the right one for this. How can i solve this guys ?
  8. Hello guys, i am trying to use scriptlet to help me make a TOC for my report, but i have some basics questions in how to use scriptlets. I know i have to import some the: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRScriptletException; But how should i make a scriptlet, should i use eclipse and create a new java project ?Should i use ant to compile my java file ? This should be so basic that i don't find this part on the tutorials about scriptlet that are around. Can someone point me the right direction ?
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