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Everything posted by corecat77

  1. abyss888, I wasn't able to find the 'service' section you spoke of, but the post from pwd worked perfectly for me. I'd suggest trying it if you are still experiencing the problem.
  2. pwd, Thanks for this tip. Manually entering the driver worked perfectly. I got so caught up on the fact that the driver wasn't listed in the drop down that I never thought to manually enter it.
  3. The problem is that I can't get that far. I don't have the option to even select the derby.jar from the JDBC Connection screen. The drop down for the JDBC driver doesn't show the Derby driver that I've added.
  4. I'm completely new to iReport, so my question may have already been asked and answered. I'm attempting to connect to a Derby database for my report, and I'm experiencing problems. When I try to connect to the datasource, using the Database JDBC connection type, I can't find the derby driver. I've added the driver to the CLASSPATH in Tools > Options, but it doesn't seem to get added to the type list. Am I doing something wrong, or is it that iReport just doesn't handle the Derby database? Thanks in advanced
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