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  1. Can you please let me know if this can be achieved in jsaper? Thanks!
  2. Hi, In Jasperreport, JRViewer class can preview the report in a panel with toolbar. I am working in web project use JasperReport, I want to preview the report in the html page with the toolbar. For example, in the html page, I input the parameters, click "OK" button, and go into the next html page, this page can preview the report like the JRViewer Panel.How to solve this problems?
  3. I am a new user to use JasperReports. I add a new variables to calculate sum of report columns. if I put this new variables in the top of table, this variables value is null. If put it below the table, it have correct value. If I put new variables in the top of table, how can I get the correct value?
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