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  1. create a class which implements java.util.Comparator package com.example; public class CustomComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(elem1<Type> , ele2<Type2>) { // write logic to return -1,0,1 } } write CompartorExpression as "new com.example.CustomComparator()"
  2. I found a Solution to the Problem... we need to set the render type to SVG/Image to get the Texture/Gradient Paint. If you are choosing SVG as render type, you may need to use Batik SVG-Toolkit to get the chart.
  3. Hi all, I am new to jasper reports.... I have created stacked3dbar chart, my requirement is i need this chart in balck and white, so instead of using the normal paint for bars i have used Texture paint.... so that the stacked bars looks clear since i cannot use colors. The chart works fine with textures. but when i export it into a pdf... i cannot see the textutres, the bars are transparent in the pdf. i cannot figure out the problem.. can any one help what is the problem.... i even tried to use Gradient paint same problem with this. I have posted my code... please look at it... Thanks, Sunil Code:// Sample codeJPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(in);BufferedImage mImage = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage();Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0,0,mImage.getHeight(),mImage.getWidth());....renderer.setSeriesPaint(nPos,(Paint)new TexturePaint(mImage,rect));//FOR GRADIENT PAINTGradientPaint gp =new GradientPaint(10,10,Color.WHITE,20,20,(Color) objPaint,true); renderer.setSeriesPaint(nPos,(Paint)gp);
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