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  1. That such I have a problem that had to put the dates in a row, and the value at the peak of the graph. They told me to do with API, I am a beginner in that I could please make a contribution. Thanks
  2. Your ODBC if this points to the MSSQL database I mean the control panel .. Regards
  3. Hello Please could you guide me a bit more on the API and I have no idea just me Download the jfreechart library and as I get that I say and like to compile the properties are maintained. Please help me Greetings
  4. I made a report of time lines, I have to put in every shape corresponding value, and I need to now I roll in a row. API recommended me, I searched the subject but I have an error. Error filling print ... Could not create instance chart customizer. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Could not create customize chart er instance. at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillChart. <init> (JRFillChart.java: 294) Please help me with an example of values and dates ... Thanks
  5. Let me tell you do not understand it, I'm still new to this field of programming, I could guide better. Thanks Regards ..
  6. Hello, I have a concern such as consecutively and dates placed the value in the shape, and I can make it smaller square? Thank you.
  7. I have a problem in the report using chart (time series), I possesss a MYSQL database and realize the connection as both iReport Netbeans. In the report I have two parameters which are for the validation of dates, by this means I can filter the information I Entyre dates. The problem is that I need that I infromación displays is the daily sum but not the summation of the report using the two dates. As a genre that? One more question as I put all the dates in the chart? Deputy images for better understanding ... http://www.imaxenes.com/imagen/ireport11ax07as.jpg.html http://www.imaxenes.com/imagen/ireport21qy6405.jpg.html http://www.imaxenes.com/imagen/ireport31kq87bg.jpg.html
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