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  1. thanks for your comments. I agree that images would not get exported to csv/xls, but as I mentioned before, do I need to do something else besides having the image descriptions already specified in the java code? I expected that in these formats, the descriptions would show up accordingly, but they dont. Please suggest how to enable the text description to show up in the csv when its already there in the java code. Thanks
  2. Hi, Can someone please suggest, how can I get the image icons(.png) in a jasper report, saved in .csv or .xls format from the Save option of Jasper Viewer? The same appear correctly when the report is saved in PDF or HTML format? Can I configure the save format of csv and xls to get the icons or their text descriptions somehow, in the .jrxml file or in iReport gui designer? Thanks for the help!
  3. Hi, Can someone please suggest, how can I get the image icons(.png) in a jasper report, saved in .csv or .xls format from the Save option of Jasper Viewer? The same appear correctly when the report is saved in PDF or HTML format? Can I configure the save format of csv and xls to get the icons or their text descriptions somehow? Thanks for the help!
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