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  1. Hi Everyone, I just installed iReports on my ubuntu OS. Everything is working fine by strangely i'm getting this error in the report query section when i say read fields. Error:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Class com.jaspersoft.commons.util.JSControlledJdbcQueryExecuterFactory not found please help micky.
  2. :) Depends on a lot of factors like.. How much data you have in there or how efficient your sql/sp is. I have some reports which run for over an hour. HTH, micky.
  3. Hi, I'm using these properties to control my sheet names and force every new page of my output to a new sheet within the workbook. Property name: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet Property value: true Property name: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.names.all property in my jrxml and Property value: Whatever 1/Whatever 2/Whatever 3/ Right now i'm grouping by a field in the report and my excel output has a seperate sheet for each group instance. I'm looking into having the excel sheet name as my field. Can you suggest how i could accomplish this? Appreciate your response, micky
  4. cbarlow3 Wrote: Well, now you have me curious what method you used to solve the problem...inquring minds from the future want to know as well. I was going to suggest that the easiest way is to drag the line from the palette to where you want it in the design pane, position and size it (either by right clicking, using the formatting tools window, setting the properties, or visually dragging it around...so many chocies), and then go into the Properties pane under "Graphic Properties", select the "Pen" property and set the Line width, Line Style, and Line color to the values you want. Specifically, there are line styles that can create a solid line, a double line, a dashed line, and a dotted line. Carl Helped me, Thanks a bunch, micky
  5. Hi Can you please provide a spread sheet workup of what you need? This way we could understand your requirement better. Thanks, micky
  6. HI people, Jasper by default prints the last check in a group instance when the field is printed in the group footer. Is there a way to print the first check in a group instance? For instance Data in the db: Data in database Birth Date Name City Sex Employed 01/01/2011 Allen NY F NO 02/01/2011 Boris NY M MAYBE 03/01/2011 Carter NY M YES If we group by City in Jasper and print all the fields in the group footer What i get is: 03/01/2011 Carter NY M YES What i need is: 01/01/2011 Allen NY F NO Please ask me if you have any clarifications to make on my requirements. Thanks a bunch in advance, micky
  7. Can anyone show me how we could print totals for each instance of a row group in a cross tab and then finally print grand totals(i.e. sum of all the measures). TIA, micky.
  8. Hi icemanc, When you put your subreport element in the detail band, it iterates and repeats itself according to the query used in your main report. When you put your subreport element in the summary band, the main report calls the subreport only once. This should be the issue. Hope this helps, micky :)
  9. Hi guys, I created a report which uses cross tabs in the subreports. One main report having 2 subreports. The Stored Procedure in the Main report creates a temporary table in the database. This temporary table has to be accessed by the SPs in the subreports. But when i try to run the report i'm getting an error as below: Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Unable to get next record. Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Could not open database table (informix.employees_header_data_temp). Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ISAM error: non-exclusive access. Can anyone please let me know whats going on? This is reall blocking all development. Thanks, micky.
  10. Thanks Jeff, I tried that out with Subreports never tried with Group Expressions. Will give it a shot. Thanks again, micky.
  11. Hi Guys, I need to make a report where, by using the Report Group i want to break up each iteration of the group into one separate sheet in the excel output. I used subreports to do this earlier but now i need to do it using Groups. Please let me know if you need help in deciphering my problem. Thanks in advance, micky
  12. You can find it by right clicking on the report title in the report inspector(top left of the report unit). HTH, micky Post Edited by mickyrox at 03/28/2011 04:04
  13. Kidly ask me if you need any specific clarification on this Post Edited by mickyrox at 03/17/2011 03:49
  14. Hi, I connect to a Linux DB via a secured vpn. All the reports were running well with correct data in the output. Lately after upgrading to iReport 4.0.1 i have been having issues with the data. When i design a report, it gets compiled without any problem, but when i run the report to see the preview, i get a blank page with a popup saying "This document has no pages". In other casees with simple queries i get a preview but the results set has wrong numbers; for example if the count of the records for the colomn "employees" in the Database is 100, i get something like 34 in the output when i run a report with this query: Select count(employee) from table1 Even falling back to previous versions of iReort doesn't help. If anyone has had any experience of this kind please help me out. Thanks In Advance, micky.
  15. LOL!! Thanks. Happy to help. - ur friendly neighborhood bot micky :-P
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