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Everything posted by roosit

  1. http://www.roosit.nl/files/jasper-demo.mp4
  2. It is not in the report otherwise quotes would have been shown in internal preview and other exports.
  3. it is TXT export not CSV. If the error was in the report, it would propably show in both exports
  4. when i schedule a txt export i will receive a file looking like this (using JRTextExporter) aaaaaa,~06012015,~bbbbbbb,~ccccccc,~dddddddddddddd,~07:53:07~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eeeeeeeeeeeeeee,~06012015,~ffffffff,~ggggg,~hhhhhh,~07:46:54~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,~06012015,~jjjjjjjjjj,~kkkkkkk,~llllllllllllll,~01:40:03~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,~06012015,~nnnn,~oooo,~pppppppppp,~01:16:06~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq,~06012015,~rrrr,~ssss,~ttttt,~00:46:41~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~space replaced with ~ [/code] 1. can i set some parameter preventing the printing of trailing white spaces? isTrimLineRightisTrimLineRight? 2. can i set some parameter preventing the printing of blank lines/lines with spaces only?
  5. i get now this csv export: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, 06022015, bbbb, cccc, ddddd, 00:34:05" "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, 06022015, ffff, gggg, hhhhhhhhhhh, 02:14:48" "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, 06022015, jjjj, kkkk, lllllll, 00:32:33" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, 06032015, nnnn, oooo, ppppppp, 02:36:31" "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq, 06032015, rrrr, ssss, tttttttttt, 00:06:49" 1. is it possible to disable this auto added "double quotes (at the beginning and ending of each line)? 2. is it possible to set auto added quotes char to empty string? (like exporter.setParameter(JRCsvExporterParameter.FIELD_DELIMITER, ""); )
  6. how do i enable txt export via webservices??? (and why is it not default on????)
  7. also configured jndi connection, disabling the auto commit, does indeed what it supposed to do, leaving the TIMEZONE setting for a future report and that is of course not desirable. Although a test report runned fine under jndi. When i switched the datasource of an old report to jndi i got a com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.error.creating.connection. So for now, i will wait with switching jndi.
  8. We have multiple views that are using TIMEZONE 'variable' like this: CREATE VIEW vtoday ( DAY ) ASSELECT (NOW() at TIME ZONE (SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE')))::DATE as DAY;[/code]
  9. As some of you may have noticed, executing sql statements like this "SET LOCAL TimeZone='Pacific/Enderbury'; SELECT NOW() AT TIME ZONE (SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE')) ;" is not possible. Rendering reporting of jasper almost useless accross multiple time zones and user queries (at least in our situation). As jdbc offers transaction processing by disabling the default set auto-commit. I guess applying this to jasperreports queryexecuter could solve this problem. Does any one have any information on what the best approach would be to implement this? Why didnt jasper developers implement it this way, in the first place? Is this not as easy as it looks like? Thanks
  10. i guess, unbelievable, Maybe Jasper should get married to an international bride to order, maybe then this will get attention
  11. If you set the report time zone the database is still not queried with that time zone! SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE') does not output the same as REPORT_TIME_ZONE people have this problem for years, doesnt nobody at jasper get how this works???
  12. Is this going to solve the issue? modify file apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INFclassesesapisecurity-config.properties: security.validation.sql.on=false
  13. I have seen lots of posts of people requiring to run compound sql queries. Has some one already thought about creating a patch for the query executer / validator? net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createDatasource(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:137
  14. aalso solutions with creating stored procedures dont have my preference. Since you have to define return types, i can then start making a procedure for every report, that is not why i am using jasperserver
  15. i have read comments about subdataset, tables and subreports, those are just complicating things
  16. to query views depending on a set timezone, i need to be able to run something like this: BEGIN; SET LOCAL TimeZone='Pacific/Enderbury'; SELECT NOW() AT TIME ZONE (SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE')) ; COMMIT; The set local is setting the timezone only for this transaction. Anybody have a suggestion on how to implement this in a single report? Thanks in advance PS. just curious, why is valid sql not simply executed?
  17. i decided on the workaround to implement remote xml and generate the data from ldap through php
  18. Anybody experience with using piwik xml data in an report with a nice markup?
  19. I have a working setup in iReport and a datasource in jasperserver that passes the connection test. i have also on the jasperserver the connection pooling error. Can this be resolved with an JNDI datasource connection? Anybody experience with this? or is there maybe a newer solution to using the ldap-bridge 2.1 from 2007? Thanks in advance
  20. Did you manage to get it running also on jasper server?
  21. if i create a calendar parameter, like this: Calendar.getInstance($P{TZ},$P{REPORT_LOCALE}) or even like this: Calendar.getInstance($P{TZ}, new java.util.Locale(($P{REPORT_LOCALE}==null)?"en":"en", "GB")) properties -> edit query -> read fields -> results in Error:null If i only change in the report the calendar parameter to Calendar.getInstance($P{TZ}, new java.util.Locale("en", "GB")) Everything is working correctly.
  22. added org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/js.jdbc.properties tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/hibernate.properties
  23. I wanted to do an easy upgrade (copied the war in webapps) from 4.0.0 to 4.2.1 because nothing has been changed in the database. I have configured a new test environment with jre-6u37, tomcat-6.0.36, postgresql-8.4-703.jdbc3.jar, mysql-connector-java-5.1.22.tar.gz and changed META-INF/context.xml and tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml, to link it to the same mysql database. This new installation is complaining about the non existence of nextval function Anybody had the same?
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