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  1. Hi! I'm facing similar issues, about sending a complete query from my java application to my .jrxml file. In this last file I define the parameter like that: <parameter name="queryReport" class="java.lang.String"/> <queryString> <![CDATA[$P!{queryReport}]]> </queryString> When I print the report what I get it's the query ( SELECT .... FROM ...) and not the result like it was suposed. What I'm doing wrong? Any Ideias.... Thanks
  2. Hi! I want to write a query whose number of columns is defined by the user. For instance: the user choose to see column A, column B and column X; the next time user needs to see just column B and Column C I want to know if is possible in any way to accomplish this idea. At the moment I'm just simulate one small prototype with one column choosen by the user in iReport (3.7.3) with the following code: I can compile without any errors but when I try to see the preview it doesn't show anything, no report, no error message, just the Designer View. I have searched a lot in JasperReports forum and the most similar topic that I found was this one: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=60212. Any idea or suggestion is welcome. Thanks all! Code: Post Edited by pedror at 08/24/2010 09:47 Post Edited by pedror at 08/26/2010 09:06
  3. Hi! Is it possible to add a parameter to FROM clause? Or this question doesn´t make any sense? In that way users will have much more freedom to choose, and it saves me some work, I think Thanks in advance!
  4. If I understand your question, yes you can. Just need to create a Parameter and write this parameter in the query. Something like that: WHERE columnNameFromDB = LIKE lower($P{parameterName}) I hope it works.
  5. Hi Lucian. Thanks for answering and i'm sorry for replying only now, but I have been involved in other projects. I solved my two problems according with your tips. For my second problem in iReport I had to create before a custom palette in the export options > Excel > JExcelApiExporter. ( http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=41846 ). Thanks a lot.
  6. Hi everybody! I have two problems related with styles 1st problem: When I try to export in PPTX format, the borders defined in iReport isn't visible in this kind of files. 2nd problem: the labels in the column header has a color (some type of grey) and in the details band I have fields with alternate colors (some kind of light red and white). When the excel file is opened I have no grey labels and the light red becomes light yellow (Edit: I'm using JExcelApiExporter ). All others formats it's great. ANY IDEIAS? Thanks in advance!! Code: Code:JExcelApiExporter exporter = new JExcelApiExporter(); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString()); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE, Boolean.TRUE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_IGNORE_CELL_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.exportReport(); Post Edited by pedror at 07/22/2010 14:44
  7. Hi! I have the following situation: I want to print on paper the reports generated by the application based on JasperReports (obviously). In iReport I defined the design of the page : A4 portrait. The problem: In some formats it’s everything correct. Others, like Excel the last results from each page appears in the next page. In HTML it’s opposite: The column header and the first results from for example the second page appears in the first, and so on. What I’m doing wrong? How can I solve this problem? If you have any question or need some code, feel free to ask! Cheers
  8. I lucian. Could you explain this process better. lucianc Wrote: Anyway, if you want to explicitly specify the XLS paper size on JR export, log a feature request using the project trackers. I think I'm facing a similar problem. When I try to print the a report in XLS format some of the results are printed in the next page. I think that if I could change the height of the page I could get what I want. Any other solution / suggestion I would be grateful. Thanks
  9. Hi everybody!! I'm trying to export a report into several formats (docx, pdf, pptx xlsx, html and rtf) and it's working fine in all of them, except in xlsx format. The trouble that I have is related with images. The .xlsx exported file shows correctly all the data exept the image. It is showed a blank cell with the respective position hight and width, but no image !! When I preview with IReport I can see everything like it's supose to be. I also view the samples and I have a similar code (at least I think so) JRXlsxExporter exporter = new JRXlsxExporter(); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString()); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IGNORE_PAGE_MARGINS,Boolean.TRUE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IGNORE_PAGE_MARGINS, Boolean.TRUE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE, Boolean.TRUE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE); exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_REMOVE_EMPTY_SPACE_BETWEEN_ROWS, Boolean.TRUE); exporter.exportReport(); Anyone could help or guid me?? Thanks all
  10. Hi! I've an application for export my reports in several types. I already did successfully export to pdf. Now I'm trying to export to docx file but when I open the document I have a window to select the type of text encodind - Windows; MS_DOS; Other encoding. Whatever I choose I always have weird characters!! Where could be my error(s)? Is it in the xml file?? I tried encoding="UTF-8" and encoding="ISO-8859-1" and nothing. Thanks Post Edited by pedror at 06/04/2010 14:17
  11. Hi everbody! It is posssible read a .jrprint file in web pages(.jsp) that i'm working on? I tried this: <jsp:include page="CsvDataSourceReport.jrprint" /> But i didn't get what i expected. I got unreadeable characters. Am I doing any thing wrong or it isn't possible .jsp files read .jrprint?? Best Regards
  12. Hi everyone! First off sorry if my english isn't so great! I'm giving my first steps into the Jasper's world. Because of that and even after reading some of the documentation I've some questions about creating reports. I'm kind of lost here! I already did a basic report that show the data from my database, inside a template that I built. What I want to accomplish now is to present a report with data filtered by the user. For example, a web page where the user says he only wants to view certain fields in a certain table. I'd like that someone could explain me how the all proceed is done, and if I can do this only with iReport(may be working someway with paramters and/or variables). I looked up at /demo/samples/jasper sample like Teodor recomended in a past post (The logic behind Jasper reporting fundamentals), but i couldn´t understand how it was built Maybe my doubts is understanding how the files. Jrxml communicate with the files. jsp/ .java .... I think that there's a big mess in my head. If you could help me understand all of this process i'd be very greatfull Thanks for all PedroR Post Edited by pedror at 05/25/2010 13:17
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