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Everything posted by iamwoodyjones

  1. Well, for custom input controls it depends on what UI technology you want to use. If it's client side UI development like JavaFX, Swing, SWT, etc...then you would write your own UI controls that send in parameters to change their values and you could use Jasper library and that will work. Kind of the same thing if you use Web UI developement such as JSF, ext, JavaFX, flex + blaze ds, etc... However, if you want to change more than just the parameters such as columns and other static things you would have to use a library like DynamicJasper or output your own .jrxml modificaitons yourself before sending that through Jasper. Now if you use a product like Jasper Server, that's something else altogether which I'm not really an expert at yet so that might make it easier if you want to leverage that product which has dashboard technology and other really nice features. My advice would be to learn from the samples first, play with some code, and then read the ultimate guide to Jasper Reporting library as well as play with Dynamic Jasper and Jasper Server to see what you can do with these things.
  2. I think I'm still missing something. Were you writing Swing code for the input controls or something else?
  3. These are kind of vague questions and probably won't get you many repsonses. Can you be more specific? That might help generate more replies. You can use Jasper Server to create ad-hoc reports where you pick and choose the columns you want -- I believe. Also, you can hand edit reports with just a plain text editor or you can use a product such as Dynamic Jasper to create dynamci reports if that's what you need: http://dynamicjasper.com/ There should be sufficient examples with the distribution to show you how to hook up databases such as MySQL to Jasper, unless there's something unqiue you're trying to accomplish. If there is something unique, please try to be as specific and verbose as possible with as many details as possible to hopfully attract more fruitful answers.
  4. That's a sparse comment and probably won't get you many replies. What do you want a custom control to do? Do you want the custom control to set some parameters you have within a report? If so, there's a lot of examples that ship with the jasper distribution which shows how to set parameters from a UI for a report.
  5. You're missing a few jars on your class path during run time. I think that one is the commons logging jar. Take a look at the jars that come with the jasper distribution to get an idea of jars you need to have during run time. Good luck.
  6. Hi, I would start a new thread and not continue one from 07' since that was a long time ago and many jasper versions ago :-) If you're having memory problems, I would make a new thread and try to attach your code and any condensed down .jrxml files to that thread to increase your odds of someone helping.
  7. Great to hear that. Sounds like you were able to solve the problem which is awesome! Happy reporting.
  8. Yea, you can grab the latest from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperreports/files/jasperreports/ However, looking at your stack trace it appears that another jar has taken over your SAX parsing. Jasper probably uses all factories to create and get its XML parsing implementations that are on its class path. If an Oracle SAX parser is configured to be the default implementation, then Jasper will use that. If not, then it will use whatever the default java one is. I would suggest checking your classpath and figuring out which jar(s) are taking over the SAX parsing as that implementation might be what's causing your issues. Post Edited by frankhassanabad at 11/01/2011 15:18
  9. Thanks for the Karma, I gave you a +1 as well ;-). Yea, I'd just search around and download and try another java application with print capabilities or run a sample or two from Oracle's site just to see real quick if there's an issue right off hand. Good luck with the printer and drivers though and if you figure out what it was I'd love to hear it.
  10. If it's occuring just when you directly print through Java, then I would do some outside of Jasper land Java printing using a different Java application. Perhaps search around for that type of printer and any Java print bugs? Sounds like it might be a problem with how Java Print is sending to that particular type of printer. Update your drivers online for the printer?
  11. How are you printing? Are you printing directly from an application like jasper swing viewer or IReport or Jasper Server? Or are you printing *after* you export to a particular format such as .docx, .pdf, etc...? That would help narrow it down some to a possible culprit that's interfering with your printer. >In fact, I'm more than a bit in love with it. Should I admit that? Let me know after you buy a few ink cartridges if you still love it :-)
  12. Were you able to figure this out? I've done a few XML Data sources with the same XML document being also the sub-report which was passed as a parameter. It is tricky to get just right, but not impossible. It's just frustrating that you have to get the exact passing and XQuery correct, otherwise you get blank reports.
  13. I'm curious if you have figured out an answer to this yet or not. By the looks of your stack trace: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser It looks like in your application you're using a different XML parsing and that Jasper's internal engine is now also using within your application. That is one key difference as to why it could be giving you errors. Post Edited by frankhassanabad at 10/31/2011 23:21
  14. Huh. No way to just write a master report which contains all the other reports as sub-reports within the title or summary section?
  15. Have you tried a conditional styles with the fonts yet?
  16. Have you played around with sub-reports before?
  17. That's just a simple class path issue, independent of Jasper. Check your class path and fiddle with it a bit on the runtime and you'll get it.
  18. You still have something wrong with your classpath. You'll have to fiddle with it more.
  19. Are you saying that you're getting compiler warnings about unchecked/unsafe operations when using Jasper? That's pretty common as Jasper has a long history which preeceds JDK's type checking. If you don't like the warnings you can use annotations to turn them off. Are you getting unsuccessful runs or errors?
  20. I don't have one handy. Typically I use option 1, personally, which is just putting a page break right before the sub-report is generated if I want it on another page.
  21. I'd try to attach the smallest set of .jrxmls and a set of instructions for running if you still need help. Probably the best way to get someone's interest.
  22. There's not a way natively within Jasper to do it that I know of. However, with that type of problem I'd do a pipeline with some code to put the resulting pdf from jasper and your already existing embeddable pdf together. I'd use a library like iText to put it all together and just use some piece of macro text to represent where the existing pdf needs to go. Run through the pipeline and get my end product. Something like: 1) Author my .jrxml (which has my business specific macros that jasper doesn't know or care about) 2) Run the .jrxml (or compiled .jasper file) through my pipeline which 2A) First creates the pdf with the macros inside 2B) Then it takes the embeddable pdf (who's location might be indicated within the macros) and merges that into my created pdf with the macros inside. This would take a bit of coding though. Couple of weeks probably. Post Edited by frankhassanabad at 10/27/2011 01:49 Post Edited by frankhassanabad at 10/27/2011 01:50
  23. There's lots of ways. One way is to structure the pixel size so that it automatically creates a new page based on size with the blank left over area where you want it. Another way is to use the page break element. I'm sure there's a few others as well.
  24. Then again, looking at that ticket I just threw up there, that might just be a IReport UI issue and have nothing to do with the reporting engine.
  25. I haven't verified that this is a bug, but I did some searching on the trackers. Does this look like the issue? If so, it's still in an unresolved state: http://jasperforge.org/projects/ireport/tracker/view.php?id=4489 But feel free to vote "up" on it to help get it some needed attention. The ticket makes sense, that it's calling toString() on everything that's being passed. On a collection, a toString is going to return a list like this [a, b, c, d] with the brackets. That would screw things up.
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