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Everything posted by iamwoodyjones

  1. Sorry. Never mind. I found it: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=4924 It was ticket 4924 and fixed in version: 3.7.6
  2. I searched the tracker. Is there a ticket for xlsx having autodetect yet?
  3. Having a hard time following what you're trying to do? What medium are you printing from? If you export your report into PDF or another format do you have blank pages? Can you elborate more?
  4. You can do a lot with the built in java expression evaluator. But I've always either only used XPATH, or I'd write my own custom wrapper data source with XML to do what I need it to do for me.
  5. Did you get it? Several ways I'm sure. One way would be to give your $X a deafult value that is going to give you a query which is going to return you an empty set or you give it a default value so that it returns a very small set. Another way is to use cascadding variables where you have an $X for your IN and a $Y for your entire SQL statement and it'll be initially blank. You can also mess with the REPORT_MAX_COUNT too and give it a default value through yet another variable. ... And I'm just tossing out random ideas there ;-) Personally I've set my $X to return small data sets for defaults with work I've done and also limited the overall report size with REPORT_MAX_COUNT so that users can't shoot themselves in the foot (too badly).
  6. I honestly don't know much about the jasper server and its workflow and how you can inject code into it. However, I do know how you can add code into Jasper Reports semi-directly to influence/change it using scriplets: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/scriptlet/index.html You might be able to override the callBeforeReportInit() And add your code there. Give that a read and see if that helps you out.
  7. you would write java code to access your rbac and then pass in the location value.
  8. >I guess you mean export the whole report in an image ? Yea, I meant you can export a particular page as an image. I don't off the top of my head how to (easily) get to the JRFillImage which is what I think you want to get to to pull a particular image out.
  9. You'd use both Jasper and Dynamic jasper put together. That's the only way I know of doing what you want.
  10. Have you seen Dynamic Jasper? It's a 3rd party LGPL product. Check it out: http://dynamicjasper.com/
  11. Have you seen Dynamic Jasper? It's a 3rd party LGPL product. Check it out: http://dynamicjasper.com/
  12. To export a page as an image, it's something like this below. I took that from another thread just by googling "jasper image exporter" http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=71445 BufferedImage pageImage = new BufferedImage(jasperPrint.getPageWidth() + 1, jasperPrint.getPageHeight() + 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);JRGraphics2DExporter exporter = new JRGraphics2DExporter();exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);exporter.setParameter(JRGraphics2DExporterParameter.GRAPHICS_2D, pageImage.getGraphics());exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.PAGE_INDEX, new Integer(pageIndex));exporter.exportReport();
  13. Have you tried to use a sub-report instead of the list component? You might have better luck with sub-reports as they're more robust.
  14. Have you see this? http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/rotation/index.html And played with the rotation sample yet? You might be able to get that text field aligned like that but, personally, I haven't done text rotations before and haven't done it with grouping.
  15. Do you have a full stack trace? Did you check your class path for the Barbecue jars to ensure they're there? Are you getting a noclassdef found error or any other indications it's just a missing jar from your runtime class path?
  16. If UserA runs Simple_Report, it will use "ASIA" as Location If UserA runs Simple_Report, it will use "US" as Location. If UserA runs Simple_Report, it will use "EUROPE" as Location. I think you meant If UserA runs Simple_Report, it will use "ASIA" as Location If UserB runs Simple_Report, it will use "US" as Location. If UserC runs Simple_Report, it will use "EUROPE" as Location. I'm sure there's lots of ways of doing this. One way is that report has a parameter called LOCATION, $P{LOCATION} and that the default value of LOCATION is an empty string "". Then before the report is run, you use your RBAC (Role Based Access Control) to determine the value of LOCATION. Then you fill that value and pass it into the report. One way I can see. Lots of other ways too I'm sure.
  17. Have you tried splitting things up into multiple detail bands yet? Sometimes I use multiple detail bands to help indicate to Jasper how I want it to break or not break.
  18. Have you tried setting the ignore pagintation yet for the report?
  19. I don't think Jasper can do totals the way you want it since it uses a streaming model for its data (at least not from my experiene with it). >I'd have to somehow do an additional subquery to total the profile by group, and join to it to get the order...not very pretty. Oh yea, that would not be a good thing to run your queries like that. You could do a database trigger to calculate and store the totals in a separate database table so you do know ahead of time what the totals are. Then they are available ahead of time for you to sort with. Just join to them. When it comes to DB calculations, DB triggers and storing calculated values from it are pretty standard (and nice). Post Edited by frankhassanabad at 12/02/2011 04:46
  20. Nice of you coming back and posting an update. Not a lot of people do that. Bumping your karma one. Also, sometimes I use an expression to check for null and if a value within a chart is null I then give a default value of something like 0. Something like this: $F{valueExp} == null ? 0 : $F{valueExp} That helped me out a lot with charts. I'll run it and everything runs fine, and then one day there's a null value and the whole report blows up until I go back and put in that null check.
  21. Jasper has an image exporter to where you can export just an image of a page of your report. Would that help you?
  22. Sweet! Thanks for the ticket references and the source code on your web site. I bumped you up on your karma
  23. When you write the ticket, can you post the link/ticket # here? We're having the same issue here on our end and I'd like to put a watch on the ticket.
  24. Take a look at this page: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/horizontal/index.html And see if that helps you. Let us know.
  25. Do you mean print it in landscape instead of portrait mode? If so, you have to create a new report for that.
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