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Everything posted by mbritton

  1. Hi Frank, Thanks for the reply. I actually figured out the month sorting, the month field was set to string, not date. As for the totals question, I would like there to be 4 totals columns at the right end of the report. There should be one total column for each "milestone"- screeened, eligible, referred, and enrolled. Each column would ideally be under the "total YTD performance" header- basically, I want the totals columns to look like the month columns, with "total YTD performance" instead of the month name. Thanks, Matt
  2. Looked through a bunch of topics and couldn't find a solution for this, so hopefully this isnt answered somewhere else. I am trying to use a crosstab to create a monthly management report for my project. In the row columns, I have Organization Name and User Name (each of which belongs to an organization). My columns are Month, and nested inside that Milestone. See the attached screen shot (ignore the fact that the months arent sorted, I am posting a question about that in a separate ticket). Currently, the "total YTD performance" column sums the outcomes for the entire year for all the milestones, which is meaningless. I would like to see the yearly totals for each milestone. I've played around with the 'Total Position" property of the Month and Milestone columns, and I can't get it to do this. Anyone have any ideas? I guess I could just create the sum as a second crosstab and put it next to the current one, but I'd rather do everything in one crosstab if possible. Thanks, Matt
  3. Hi all, I'm want to have a text box in a series of reports that displays "From: "+ $P{StartDate}. However, when I use this expression in a text box set to type java.lang.string I get a blank. I have also tried $P{StartDate}.toString by itself in the text box, and this will not appear either. Is there something I need to do to get a date parameter to appear in a text box set to type string? I can display the parameter fine in a box set to java.util.date, but I don't want to have the "From" in a separate box. Thanks, Matt
  4. Thanks for your relply- from what I've read online, this property only allows you to protect a worksheet- i.e. make it read-only and require a password to make changes. I am looking to password protect the entire document so it can only be opened by those with a password- our reports contain sensitive client info like ssn, dob, etc. Please let me know if I've misunderstood your suggestions. Thanks, Matt
  5. Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to set a report so that when it's scheduled by Jasperserver to run overnight, it gets emailed as a password-protected .xls or .xlsx doc. Is there any kind of export parameter I can set that will assign a password to a document? Thanks, Matt
  6. Never mind, I fixed this by changing all the variables to parameters, using the same expressions you suggested. Thanks so much!
  7. Slow, thanks for the help. However, when I change the $P{EndDate} parameter in my sql query to $V{EndDate} (which is my name for your $V{real_end_date}, I get at sql error at '$'. Any idea what could cause this?
  8. Hi, I have a report in which the user enters two dates $P{StartDate} and $P{EndDate}, which are (strangely enough), the start and end date of the report. I'm looking for a way to return a blank report (or even better, an error message), if EndDate is more than 6 months after StartDate (we're having memory issues and need to stop people from pulling large lists of data, so that our app doesn't crash). Thanks in advance for the help!
  9. Thank you Giulio, this fixed my problem :)
  10. Anyone have an idea how to do this? Sorry for the shameless bump, but I could really use some help.
  11. Hello, I'm trying to take a date-value passed by the user (a parameter called $P{StartDate} ), subtract one day, and save this new date as a separate parameter, called $P{FixedEndDate}. A friend of mine suggested that I create a variable with the variable expression set to the code below. However, when I do this, and run a preview of the report, I get several syntax errors- "inset ; to complete BlockStatements", "insert ")" to complete expression", "error on token ")", delete this token", and "insert "AssignmentOperator ArrayInitializer" to complete ArrayInitializerAssignment Thanks in advance for the help, my knowledge of Java is slim to nil. Code:SimpleDateFormat dateformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();cal.setTime($P{StartDate});cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);String newdate = dateformat.format(cal.getTime());
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