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  1. I choose a field to be the expression for the group and what appears as a description of that group is the field itself. you can customize this, such as putting an expression to use for the group description.
  2. Thanks Lucian, about your first suggestion, I've done a few report this way. I want describe one way of not create one data source instance for each subreport iteration, because this data source is always the same. For this is necessary return the subreport's data source to your initial position after each report's iteration. about you second suggestion, I can understand it, but using it also create one object for each subreport iteration, on AutoRewindable DS object, although this object is smaller than data source object. So this way is better than the first way... but there isn't one way the use the method moveFirst() directly, after each report's iteration, as I mentioned? I think that It would be good about performance. Post Edited by subgiu at 05/04/2010 17:12
  3. Hello, I am brazilian, so sorry by my little english, but I think that will be possible understand.. I have one report with one subreport, both use JRMapCollectionDataSource, but the subreport's JRMapCollectionDataSource is iterated only one time, only about to the reports's first iteration. I think that it happens because the subreport's JRMapCollectionDataSource comes to an end... so is necessary return to your initial position after each report's iteration. There is one example attached. The class JRMapCollectionDataSource implements the interface JRRewindableDataSource, that have the method moveFirst(), that apparently makes this, but how execute this method after each report's iteration? How makes this using the Ireport? Thanks. Post Edited by subgiu at 05/01/2010 15:43
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