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  1. Can you provide mie a short example? What languages are supported?
  2. Hi all, I want to print special textfileds in a report depending on a value that has to be calculated. E.g. I have one filed containing an Integer and a parameter containing a integer. Is it possible to evaluate "$F(a) mod $P(b) == 0" within a report? In General: which mathematical function can be used within the Print When Expression field. Thanks, Cognus
  3. No it's no DB as data source. I use a JavaBean as datasource.
  4. Hi all, I added some textfields to a report which contain different value. It is possible that these values are "null". I want to check if the contant is "null" and if so set the text in this textfield to a default char (say "-"). Can anybody help me how I this can be done? Thanks in advance Cognus
  5. Thanks a lot! I solved my problem with your advice. Cognus
  6. Dear all, I want to create a masterreport which includes a subreport. Within the subreport some detail information should be shown: Masterreport |__ InformationItem1 | |__ DetailedInformation1 (subreport) |__ InformationItem2 | |__ DetailedInformation1 (subreport) |__ and so on ... The detailed information is contained in the InformationItem object as a java.util.List. I was trying to hand this List over to the subreport, to extract information an use them in the subreport. Unfortunaltely I'm not able to access the information withon the subreport. I read some tutorials and tried to do it on my own. But after 3 days of trying I didn's olve the problem. Can anybody tell me how if have to parameterize the master report and the sub report and how the java code creating the master report should look like? I hope you understand the problem. Thanks in advance! Cognus
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