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Everything posted by trobert

  1. Hi! Can anyone write a short description, how to use tJasperOutput component in JasperETL? I want to make reports with JasperETL, but now I don't know how. Thanks! Robert
  2. Hello! This is only an idea: JasperETL is a transformation tool, You can make "joins" in a graphical way, not in sql. You need to add 2 datasources (tOracleInput). In the first, you can select one of the tables (select * from refs), and in the other you can select the other table (select * from Dlayout). After this, you can make a "joined" table with tMap component (tMap's inputs are the two tables above). You can select the required fields from the tables, and you can make a new output table. Robert
  3. Hello! I've got the solution, so I write it down: The Anti virus program blocked the soap response message through the 8080 port, because it has an attachment. I've changed JasperServer's port number to 7080, and now everything is working fine. Robert
  4. Hi All! I am using jasperServer 3.7.0 on windows xp. I am trying to use runReport method via SOAP, but when I send the request the jasperserver become very slow, and it doesn't response for the request. The sample code from JasperServer-Web-Services-Guide do the same. When I am running the report with jasperserver's own UI, it is working fine. List and Put methods are working correctly too, but I have got a problem with runReport and Get methods (they are very slow, and no response for them) Here is my SOAP message: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:axis="http://axis2.ws.jasperserver.jaspersoft.com"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <axis:runReport soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <requestXmlString xsi:type="xsd:string"> <![CDATA[ <request operationName="runReport" locale="en"> <argument name="RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT">XML</argument> <resourceDescriptor name="Employees" wsType="reportUnit" uriString="/reports/samples/Employees" isNew="false"> </resourceDescriptor> </request> ]]> </requestXmlString> </axis:runReport> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Can Anybody help Me? Thanks! Robert
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