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Everything posted by maheshm

  1. Hi Srikanth, Thanks for reply. How can use this designer in my PHP application? If not, can you please suggest other ways to use it? Regards, - Mahesh
  2. Hi, I am currently using iReport designer for creating and publishing report to report server i.e. JasperServer. Is there any web based open-source/free report designer available? Can i use iReport as a web based designer (as a java applet)? Regards, - Mahesh
  3. Hi, JasperServer might not provides web service API for managing users and roles. I want to map my PHP application users and roles with JasperServer users and roles. i.e when users and roles will be created in my application, they will get added into JasperServer with their roles. For this I need access to JaspeServer user & roles from my PHP code and using web service API. Can you please explain me, how to mange such implementations Regards, - Mahesh
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