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  1. Hi..I would inserted my own mask for edit some data. Example: When i insert an text field, the ireport have its masks and i can edit it in "pattern" in "text field properties", so appear several itens, example, Number, Date, Time, Currency, Porcentage, etc.. however i want insert my own masks in this camps, and would that appear it in this menu, myCampOne, myCampTwo, etc... Thank my friends.
  2. Please anybody know a tag for insert comments within jrxml ? <!-- this tag not work in jrxml --> because ireport erase, when switch for visual editor and source code. I need, because would like insert information about develope the code, for future consults about several things in the code. Thanks my friends!
  3. you not found neither artifice for insert comments in files of jasperreports, for identify who make file or changes ? Because i need insert information about developer and what for serving this codes. Thanks more a time.
  4. I go continue with this problem.. Thanks my friend.
  5. hi my friend. I have this same problem than you. you found solution ? Please, if you found this, you can help me ? Thanks.
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