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  1. Sorry guys, I was very busy that time and I forgot to post the solution. What I really missed here was to copy all TTF and ICC files in "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/fonts" Hope this help.
  2. I agree with you but these are the specs. In the end this is a false problem and I suspect that the real point is the font types that must be shared with the printing system.
  3. Now I see that there could be a restriction on fonts we use that lead to subsetting. I need to do some tests with free fonts..
  4. Thanks for the hints, I'm reading.. Meanwhile I can confirm that the default behaviour is to subsetting the fonts used in the document. Is there a way to force embedding the entire font-set through jasperlib configuration? ( this should be easy using iText directly.. )
  5. I'm wondering if it is possible to create a PDF report with "fully embedded fonts" using JasperReports 5.2.0 and iReport 5.5.0. This is my configuration: I have included extension fonts jars generated with "iReport - Tools - Options - Fonts - Export as extension". The resulting PDF files are PDF/A-1a compliant but every font is "Embedded Subset" instead of fully embedded. Maybe jasperreports add only the fonts actually used. Do you have any suggestions or clarifications?
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