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  1. holy shit, seems not to be simple. Thanks for answer, resign
  2. Hello, Is it possible to insert parameters to report, which let me present a table with dynamical number of columns? The idea is: the user have the possibility to select any cols and export it to pdf as a table. Data to selected from: First name, last name , birth date, phone, mail The user wants to see last name, phone Any ideas? Thanks, resign
  3. I use iReport, the Designer for Jasper Report. If you use the classical report designer i cannot help you, sorry. But if you use the same version like me - it works. See attachement:
  4. So define 3 columns in iReport builder. Then fill the first column with data and let other cols emtpy. Now fil the Jasper the data and if the there is not enought place - it opens new col. Easy :-) greetings. resign /* Actually I want to grow the table like this: 1 | 16 | 31 15 | 30 | 45 */
  5. Hi, i resolved my "problem". My idea was to make two columns in report, so less paper is used. Now, it's resolved - i defined two columns....done :-) resign
  6. Hello, i have a report here, its really long but have have only 1 column. My idea is to realize my report on followed way: 1 | 2 3 | 4 Like a book. Now my problem is - i don't know how to make it :-( any ideas? Thanks, Sergej
  7. Hi, i'm really new in JasperReports. I have created a report with iReport, now i have to fill it with data. My problem is: there are 2 tables and i have two TableModel(s) which should be "inserted" into report. Is it possible? There is a simple tutorial how to go on? Thanks, resign
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