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Everything posted by tom_lilly

  1. Now having scheduled 4 reports (every 2 minutes , 2 together) it looks like this: Solaris (not working): Only one report per minute is executed, the jasperserver debug log shows no errors or warnings. It seems like as if only one report per minute is scheduled (or the workers are somehow blocked...?!) Linux (working) Two reports per minute (as expected) Could this issue eventually be related to a timezone setting? Regards Tom
  2. Further tests have been made... It seems that this problem occurs only on solaris. Under the very same setup, I've loaded and scheduled the same reports... Interestingly it works perfect on the linux server... but not on the solaris one. I have compare the installation of tomcat and jasperserver of the two systems. They are identical apart from the database specific parts. Software components used (apache, tomcat, jvm, ...) are the same. I did drop and recreate the database on both systems. The only notable difference between the two systems (apart from the OS) is, the oracle version used: Linux -> Oracle 11, Solaris -> Oracle 10. But I believe this doesn't really matter in this case... does it? Regards Tom
  3. Hi everyone Recently I came across a strange problem with JasperServer 3.7.0 CE. I'm running it on Solaris 10, using Tomcat 5.5.28, JVM 1.6.0_16-b01 and Oracle 10g as database backend. The reporting server just works fine (not to say fantastic). I can create reports using iReport, browse and run them in the Web UI, etc. But when it comes to scheduling, I experience a strange behaviour: I've scheduled several reports to be generated and sent out via email on a daily or weekly base. Some jobs run and some don't. I've tried to narrow down the issue a bit: - Created regular schedules - Created schedules without reccurence - ...only store the report - store the report and send it out by email - used different report formats, ... - ... What I did last was, I've configured two jobs (-> attachments), to be running at 10:20 and 10:25. I then shut down tomcat, enabled debugging log and started the tomcat server again. The result is, the first job did not run but the second did. Interestingly the debug log show no (worker) action from the quartz scheduler at 10:20... Guys, is somebody else experiencing the same behaviour? Or has anybody an idea how to further troubleshoot this issue? Best regards Tom
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