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  1. Hi, I've been using JasperServer 3.7.0 for a little over a year and half now. I've about 100 reports scheduled to run at various intervals (daily, weekly, monthly). I had no issues when scheduling the first 50 reports. Anytime I need to make a change to the input parameters for these reports' schedules, the screen pops up almost immediately. However, the later 50 take a while to load the scheduler page. Everytime I need to make a change to the schedule, it takes nearly 30 minutes to open the scheduling screen. Any new report created also take a very long time to open the scheduling screen. I cannot think of a reason for the slowdown. Is there something that needs to be changed to make the process faster? Thanks, Chai.
  2. Found the solution for my issue here: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=72186
  3. Since sunday morning, my reports are generated and delivered an hour later than they are scheduled to run. When I checked the timezone setting on the login page, it only shows the Standard timezones, no Daylight savings timezones. How can this be corrected? Post Edited by cdevana at 03/17/2011 13:02
  4. Problem fixed! The issue was that in iReport under the report properties, the language selection was set to Groovy. I changed it to java and the error disappeared. It shows me an empty report, but that's a different issue to tackle! Post Edited by cdevana at 04/14/2010 14:43
  5. The report query is: select * from fx_message where $X{IN, msg_receiver_org, Organization} The Organization parameter is set to Collections java class with default expression to be new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"eastman001"})) The input control for Organization parameter is of the same name and the values are obtained by a query. The input control is locally defined and the query is select distinct Organization from ((select distinct SenderOrg as Organization from TXSummary) union (select distinct ReceiverOrg as Organization from TXSummary)) where (Organization is not null) order by lower(Organization) asc The report query runs against one database and the input control query runs against a different database. The input control query gives me a list of organizations without any problem. Issue arises when I try to pass values I select from the list.
  6. I changed the "null" to a valid value and it still gives me the same error. I set up the query and the parameter properties to be almost exactly the same as the Cascading multi select example from JasperServer repository.
  7. After figuring out how to use the jasperServer plugin for iReport, I modified the query to look like this: select col1 from tab where $X{IN, col2, param1} I set Parameter Class as java.util.Collection for param1 The Default Value Expression is set to new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"null"})) I get a different error this time: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed, calculator_ProtocolReport_1271197532653_672865: 139: No expression for the array constructor call at line: 139 column: 82. File: calculator_ProtocolReport_1271197532653_672865 @ line 139, column 82. 1 errorcom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed, calculator_ProtocolReport_1271197532653_672865: 139: No expression for the array constructor call at line: 139 column: 82. File: calculator_ProtocolReport_1271197532653_672865 @ line 139, column 82.1 error
  8. I've a simple report that queries an oracle database. select col1 from tab where col2 in ($P{Organization}) $P{} values are supposed to be obtained via the multi-select query. The multi-select query values are being populated without any problems. But the issue seems to be with passing the selected values to the parameter. I tried setting Organization datatype to be java.util.Collection. It throws the following error: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Report design not valid : 1. Parameter type not supported in query : Organization class java.util.CollectionReplacing the datatype to java.util.List also results in similar error. Replacing the datatype to java.util.String results in an incompatible type for multi value error Changing the sql to: select col1 from tab where col2 in ($P!{param}) results in "The report is empty." What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated
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