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  1. $F{type}.equals("end_of_day")&& $V{groupday_COUNT}.equals("2")?new integer($V{REPORT_COUNT}+1):$V{REPORT_COUNT} I'm trying to increment the count on my variable expression but the following calculation give me an error. Is it possible to use a calcuation in the variable expression? I'm trying to move the report_count by one if the end_of_day exist twice. Items group count item 1 1 item 2 1 end_of_day 1 item 3 2 end_of_day 2 end_of_day 2
  2. Hello, I'm having a problem trying to get the next record in a parameter list when my group resets. I'm passing a list of dates from my java application which I need to apply to the group field when the "type" changes from a database call. LIST = (1/01/2010, 2/01/2010) DATABASE = 1, john, type 1 2, jake, type 1 3, dave, type 2 example: 1/01/2010 john, type 1 jake, type 1 2/01/2010 dave, type 2 carol, type 2 $P(reportdate) --> java.util.list $V(listrow) class: java.util.list Calculation: count Reset type: Group Reset group: grouptype Initial Value Expression: new Integer(0) Group: grouptype ---> Field: type Group Field: $P{reportdate}.get($V{listrow}.intValue()) Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? Right now, I get the first date for all records. I'm not sure how to increment to the next list date when the group changes. Thanks..
  3. Hello, I would like my subreport to print both non-null and null records until the end of the subreport length. I'm trying to make the subreport look like an embedded excel spreadsheet that shows cells regardless if values exist. In the current subreport, the first 2 rows have values and the rest of the sheet is blank. Is there a way to tell the field to show regardless of data is present or do I add another field that prints when null? The field has a .5 think border to resemble a excel cell. Example: 1 VP Ted 01/01/2001 2 Director John 04/15/2005 Ireport version: 3.7.1 Thanks...
  4. I'm trying to reference the RGB color stored in a database table to populate a banner but i'm able to get it to work. I was able to create a banner and reference the style parameter but I cant seem to understand how to tell the style to pull from an field value. Is there a way to bypass the style properties and use <style background = > commands? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.... Code:Rectangle:print expression = new Boolean($F{A}.equalsIgnoreCase("123")&&($F{B}.equalsIgnoreCase("456")))style = yellowStyle yellow:Background = 255,255,0
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