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Everything posted by jasper10

  1. Thanks. In my case Name and City are in the same db column as BOB JOHNSON ...................................SAN FRANSISCO BOB........................................ATLANTA
  2. Thanks. In my case Name and City are in the same db column as BOB JOHNSON ...................................SAN FRANSISCO BOB........................................ATLANTA I wanted to show this in PDF as OB JOHNSON ...................................SAN FRANSISCO BOB ...................................ATLANTA
  3. I have developed a iReport which gets the data from dtabase. The field in database is "LONG" and store data as shown below JOHN SMITH .....................SAN FRANSISCO SARA THOMAS...........................DALLAS I am able to pull this data to iReport in a Text Field. Is there any way/settings of TestField which can show this result in iReport in Fixed width such as JOHN SMITH ............................SAN FRANSISCO SARA THOMAS...........................DALLAS Please let me know if it is possible in iReport 3.7.1 Post Edited by m0nika at 04/06/2010 23:09
  4. I have developed a iReport which gets the data from dtabase. The field in database is "LONG" and store data as shown below JOHN SMITH .....................SAN FRANSISCO SARA THOMAS...........................DALLAS I am able to pull this data to iReport in a Text Field. Is there any way/settings of TestField which can show this result in iReport in Fixed width such as JOHN SMITH .............................SAN FRANSISCO SARA THOMAS...........................DALLAS Please let me know if ir is possible in iReport 3.7.1
  5. I have a iReport with one TextField which is currenty showing the data from dabase as shown below. JOHN SMITH .....................SAN FRANSISCO SARA THOMAS...........................DALLAS I would like to format and see the IReport final output in PDF a shown below JOHN SMITH ......................................................SAN FRANSISCO SARA THOMAS ........................................................DALLAS Is it possible using iReport 3.7.1?
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