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Everything posted by vsmadhu

  1. Hi, My question is. Is there a way to mask the values of a hyperlink in a report Example I have report A that has a hyperlink to report B 1. A simple right click on the hyper link revels the link details. 2. Once the user has clicked on the report the url in the browser has all the information. this looks bad when a the link has SSN & stuff in it. Thanks in advance for you help.
  2. Use of Jaxen jar instead of xalan solved the problem. Jaxen is also included in the jasper download. Change the value in jasperreports-(your-version).jar file name default.jasperreports.properties search for net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.executer.factory= comment it (Just for backup) and add a new line like net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.executer.factory=net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.xml.JaxenXPathExecuterFactory
  3. Hi I have used the below method to export PDF report from a java program. it takes about 5 mins to return a 25 page report. iReports returns the results in like 15 to 20 Sec on the same machine the time in SOP before and after returned 5 min in JasperFillManager.fillReport Any idea why there is ssuch a huge differenece between iReport Exproting and Exproting from a java program ? public byte[] runReportForPDF(String passedFilePath, String reportName, String reportXpath, HashMap parameters,BufferedInputStream buff) throws JRException { JRXmlDataSource xmlDataSource = null; JasperPrint jprint = null; JasperReport jasperReport = null; InputStream inputStream = null; try{ System.out.println("Printing All METHOD_PARAMETER_VALUE PDF "+passedFilePath+" /"+reportName+" /"+reportXpath+" /"+parameters); xmlDataSource = getXMLDataSource(buff,reportXpath); passedFilePath = passedFilePath.concat(reportName); System.out.println(passedFilePath); inputStream = JRLoader.getLocationInputStream(passedFilePath); jasperReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(inputStream); System.out.println("Time Before Filling the PDF reprot "+ Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); jprint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,parameters, xmlDataSource); System.out.println("Time After Filling the PDF reprot "+ Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); /* * Closing all the connections/variables used*/ if (inputStream != null){ inputStream.close(); inputStream = null; } }catch(Exception e){ e.getLocalizedMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } return ((byte[])JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdf(jprint)); } Post Edited by vsmadhu at 06/09/2010 17:50
  4. Hi, Is there a URL I can look up to see which version of iReport is Compatible with which version JRE? Currently I am using the URL below to look up the archived versions of iReprots but it does not have the JRE info. My requirement is iReports that works with JRE 1.4 Thanks
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