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Everything posted by acwibier

  1. Hi group! We are running a helpdesk system on the intranet. People have the possibility sending in a service request which is routed to the right person. I'm having trouble finding a good solution for a group by with two files: - service request file (seqnr, username, description, reqdate, solvedate) - users file (seqnr, username, full name, dept) When I perform a group by JUST on the service request file, there's no problem whatsoever. But......I would like to have the full name, department, telephonenr, etcetera on the report header as well. The reportgenerator I'm using is iReport. In this program it is possible to use the group by as a trigger for sending a page break. This way all requests are printed with their "rightfull owner". Of course, I want to use the username (which is unique) as a group by trigger, but the sql statement issues an error message when I include fields of the users file. Here is the sql-statement I'm using: SELECT s.*, u.* FROM servicereq s, users u WHERE s.username = u.username GROUP BY s.username ORDER BY s.seqnr Of course the "select star" is not being used, but it's only used here for readability. My question is: how do I trigger the page break as soon as the user changes? Or should I use the sql statement in a different way? I hope you can help this novice. /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif Thanks in advance for your help. Kind regards / Med vennlig hilsen, Ton
  2. Hi group, I've made a successfull connection to my Derby database and stored as default. When I want to start to make a report I cannot find the files, although I am connected to the database. What am I overlooking? Anyone has an idea? I am attaching a screendump, so you can see what shows up on my screen. Thanks in advance. Ton.
  3. Thanks Matt, that did the trick! Now it's time for me to learn to use the report engine. Ton
  4. Hello Group! I am trying to connect to a Derby database. With the IJ tool and with OpenOffice it is no problem to connect and run queries, but with Jasper iReport I can't seem to get it to work. Normally I use for the connection: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver and for the database url: jdbc:derby:z:\default;create=true; So, can you tell me which driver to use in iReport, because I am all out of options. :-( Thanks in advance for your answer. Kind regards, Ton
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