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Everything posted by rajuchacha007

  1. Hello experts, Is there any possibility to print the fields in parenthese like in (). I mean if i have a filed called $F{Employee_project_ID} which is displayed as 4. Is there any possibility to display it like (4). Can we do it in ireport? If yes, do I need to amend any changes in expression? Best regards, Abhijit.
  2. @mandm. Thank you. Yes subreports might work for it. Any good tutorial of subreport which is easy to understand? I have gone through 2-3 tutorials but they are too fast and use much older version. I am using 3.7.1 Best regards.
  3. Experts, has anyone worked on this? Is it possible to do it in query editor of ireport or should I change my track? Please suggest.
  4. Hello experts, I have been trying to work on multiple select statements in ireport. I want to fire two different queries for header section and details section from two tables. How could I do it? I am trying by using inner join on. I am not able to see desired results. Assume I have got 2 tables called employee and org. Employee ID code status code 1 xyz present 2 abc absent 3 pqr present for header i want to use (i am using btw) following query. select employee.ID ,employee.CODE, employee.STATUS_CODE from employee table org org_ID ID name STATUS_CODE 1 efg Y 2 def N 3 tyu N 4 acd Y for details i want to use following query. select org.ID,org.name,org.STATUS_CODE from org Is it possible to use 2 two different select queries from 2 different tables in ireport? Please advise/suggest. Thanks in advance.? Later I have been trying to use following statement to join although it's not correct technically as IDs should be different. I tried just for a chance. employee.ID ,employee.CODE, employee.STATUS_CODE ,org.ID,org.name,org.STATUS_CODE from employee INNER JOIN org ON emp.ID=org.ID
  5. @giulio You are right. It worked. I should have done for the textfield expression. Thanks a lot. Best regards.
  6. Hello experts, I have been generating reports and executing them within a java file. I am using Group Header to group the data for particular criteria. Now, if I want to diplay this data in Uppercase or in lowercase what hould I do? Right now my approach is to use print when expression. for e.g. for a particular field, in the print when expression property, I am writing first i tried $F{description}.toUpperCase() Later I tried $F{description}.toUpperCase()==true It compiles well without any error but it does not show the desired out put. It shows completely blank. I think it's due to this expression, it's checking whether or not this field is uppercase only. This is where i am committing mistake. How to get this field converted in uppercase? Should I declare boolean? Thanks in advance. Best regards.
  7. Hello expert, Is there any mechanism in ireport to apply multiple colors to rows of the database. Is it achievable in ireport? In simple words, if I execute an query and get data. Sr. No. EmployeeName City Age 1 ABC LONDON 40 2 PQR PARIS 35 3 XYZ NEW YORK 45 4 STU TOKYO 50 Is it possible to achieve in following way? Sr. No. EmployeeName City Age 1 ABC LONDON 40 2 PQR PARIS 35 3 XYZ NEW YORK 45 4 STU TOKYO 50 ? Is it poible to apply colours in this way? I would welcome your guidelines and suggestions. Thanks in advance. Best regards.
  8. @slow Thank you very much friend for replying to my almost every post with patience and without any complaint. I resolved this issue two days back by placing expresion in group header and importing predefined variables. Your reply would be useful in future though definitely. I have already started to study it. :)
  9. Hello experts, I am using ireport 3.7.1. I would like to know ome technical infromation about group in ireport. Especially group and group headers. my query i working perfectly. I want to find a solution where I can group the data of the similar properties. I have gone through the sample example of groups in help of the ireport 3.7.1. Any information about grouping expression? In simple words how/what expression should I use groups to group data? How extract data from databae and group it into desired criteria? Any examples or demo of the group expressions? Best regards. Post Edited by rajuchacha007 at 05/06/2010 14:21
  10. @slow Thanks a lot friend. It worked fine. I will again bother you.
  11. Hi experts, I have generated a report using ireport and I am exporting it through java as well. I wanted to order the data according to some other field rather than id or serial number. Therefore, I have removed id/serial number from the query and I am getting desirable reults. Now I want to keep serial numbers to this set of data. How should I achieve it? Do I need to add any field? or anything else. I will elaborate what I do need exactly. Assume I have a query like this, select employeeNumber,employeeName,employeeCity from emloyee following is the result ID Name City 1 ABC NEW YORK 2 PQR LONDON 3 XYZ PARIS............................Now to get it ordered by city I changed query to select employeeNumber,employeeName,employeeCity from emloyee order by emplyeeCity.......and i get like this ID Name City 2 PQR LONDON 1 ABC NEW YORK 3 XYZ PARIS.........................................I want to get IDs in sequence so I removed ID from query select employeeName,employeeCity from emloyee order by emplyeeCity PQR LONDON ABC NEW YORK XYZ PARIS Now I want these ID in sequence. like following ID Name City 1 PQR LONDON 2 ABC NEW YORK 3 XYZ PARIS What can I do to achieve in the ireport? I tried by adding an extra field in fields category but this didn't work. Do I need to write any expression for this? I would welcome your help,ideas and suggestions. Thanks in advance.
  12. @surya_anand00 Actually, I have never worked on this. Although I believe if you want to print in Marathi font, go to the textField properties and in pdf encoding make sure your name of the font appears and it is selected rather than default which is set to CP1252 (Western European ANSI aka WinAnsi). It might work. As I told you earlier I have never worked on it. Best regards.
  13. @just4look Hello there, in your bands, for each text fields or static labels, please make sure that pdf embedded is checked and also make sure that pdf encoding is set to CP1252 (Western European ANSI aka WinAnsi) via its properties. I hope it works. Else go to tools, click on option and click on ireport tab and then click on viewers tab. In report viewers, set the adobe reader's path(.exe file of adobe reader where it is installed). It should have taken automatically though. If it works then you would be able to see pdf view else change back the setting.
  14. Thank you hangman01 for your reply. I am not the only one to see this behaviour then. I have changed the size of the labels and texts by some fraction for the time being. Have you got any ireport sample? I mean a professional ireport sample which is available to see? I am newbie to ireport and I have operated any report tool like crysatl report etc. I would appreciate your guidance or suggestions. Best regards.
  15. Hi all, I have been working on ireport 3.7.1. While using it, I found that when we o/p of the report on internal preview, it shows the result without compromising static text values while viewing it with pdf viewer some text is missing. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue if I want to see same output on pdf preview without any missing text? Do I need to amend jrxml file? please advise. suggestions,idea are welcome. e.g I have a combination of static text and dynamic text on the report like. Report generated by XYZ using process 123, total attempts were 10000 and processed in PQR table. Here, XYZ,123,10000 and PQR are dynamic parameters which I am entering at the run time. I am getting this clearly on internal preview. When I try to view in pdf viewer, I see, Report generated XYZ using proces123, total attempts we 10000 and processed in PQ table. I am missing some text only in pdf viewer. Thanks in advance, regards.
  16. Hey Thanks....I am using ireport 3.7.1. Have you got any documentation about this particular edition?
  17. Will you please let me know any example of filter expression in ireport?
  18. Your solution is right. I showed me some positive direction although it didn't work in my example. Karma is given. Thank and best regards.
  19. Hi, I am using mysql query to generate a report. I would like to know can whether we can use group by clause on data itself? Let me elaborate. Let'ss asssume I have following table called employee and database is myrecords. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- id name accountno city descrption sex -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 abc 100 NY senior executive m 2 pqr 200 NY senior executive f 3 xyz 300 NY senior executive m 4 stu 400 LON technical expert f 5 def 500 PAR senior executive m 6 rth 600 HR m 7 uty 700 HR f 8 ytt 800 technical expert --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I want to display the records based on the description. Partiularly, I am looking for the data based on description only "senior executive" and "HR". I do not wish to take any other records. In short, I am looking for the data based on the data. Can I extract data from data? Therefore, I am using group by description clause. How can I use it? select employee.id,employee.name,employee.accountno,employee.city,employee.description from employee group by employee.description order by employee.id Any suggestions or ideas friends? Best regards.
  20. Guys, Has anyone worked on similar task? I am looking for your suggestions and ideas. Is it posible to use group by clause on data of the data? Best regards.
  21. Hello, Have you found any solution? If yes,would you mind to share it? Actually, I am looking for the same. Thank you, Best regards.
  22. Hello all, I am newbie to ireport 3.7 (or any other version). I have designed a report based on a mysql database connection. I am sure there is no problem in the query. I am able to display data values from table. Now I do have field called description. Description itself contains data/value. I want to group the records based on the description field. I hope I am clear to highlight on the problem. I will elobarate this with the example. This is my query.select riamp_data_profile.ID,riamp_data_profile.RULE_CODE,riamp_data_profile.PARAMETER,riamp_data_profile.COLUMN_NAME,riamp_data_profile.RULE_MESSAGE,riamp_data_profile.STEP_RUN_ID,description FROM riamp_data_profile,dp_rules where riamp_data_profile.RULE_CODE=dp_rules.CODE order by riamp_data_profile.ID I am getting following table 1. Check if data contains only alphabets. ( isAlphaTypeData <([a-zA-Z])> ) Processing_Date: 0 of 100000 records satisfy the rule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Check if data satisfies given pattern. ( checkPattern <2003([0-9])> ) Account_Number: 0 of 100000 (0.0%) records satisfy the rule. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Check if data satisfies given pattern. ( checkPattern <2003([0-9])> ) Processing_Date: 100000 of 100000 (100.0%) records satisfy the rule. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Get the maximum value of the column. ( maxValue ) Check_Amount: Maximum value is 1500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Get the maximum value of the column. ( maxValue ) Tran_Code: Maximum value is 701 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Get the minimum value of the column. ( minValue ) Check_Amount: Minimum value is 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Get the minimum value of the column. ( minValue ) Tran_Code: Minimum value is 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and I wish to display in following way. 1. Check if data contains only alphabets. ( isAlphaTypeData <([a-zA-Z])> ) Processing_Date: 0 of 100000 records satisfy the rule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Check if data satisfies given pattern. ( checkPattern <2003([0-9])> ) Account_Number: 0 of 100000 (0.0%) records satisfy the rule. Processing_Date: 100000 of 100000 (100.0%) records satisfy the rule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Get the maximum value of the column. ( maxValue ) Check_Amount: Maximum value is 1500 Tran_Code: Maximum value is 701 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Get the minimum value of the column. ( minValue ) Check_Amount: Minimum value is 1 Tran_Code: Minimum value is 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Get the average value of the column. ( avgValue ) Check_Amount: Average value is 391 Tran_Code: Average value is 347 In short, I am trying to group data of the data. Does anyone know solution about this? Has anyone done similar thing before? I will welcome your advices/suggestions/ideas. Thanks in advance. Best regards.
  23. Hello, Have you found any solution about this problem? I am looking for the same. Please do let me know how and what did you do? Best regards.
  24. Hello again, I will elaborate my problem. I have some ID,fields (like rule_message, paramter). Depending on these expressions I am displaying respective values of the same. (for e.g. if expression asks check all odd numbers then respective odd number as value should be printed. if it is asked to print data contains only alphabets then only values which contain alphabets hould be printed) Now, taking this as criteria, I want to gather all repective values for the expression on the detail band. Do I need to add any certain filter expression? Please advise.
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