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  1. Pankaj, If you want the category names to be visible try displaying them vertically by setting the Label roation to 90 or 45.
  2. I think that's because of the width of the chart. Try reducing the width
  3. vignesh, I've worked with sub reports and parameters. This is how it worked for me. For each sub report parameter I created a parameter in main report and I added those parameters to the Subreport parameters in the Subreport properties section(in the main report). Give the parameter name same as in your subreport and the expression from your maiin report. Hope this helps you Shahid
  4. Is it possible to add multiple colors to a single series in a bar chart? If not is there a workaround?
  5. Hi, I just installed iReport 3.7.1. I was able to create a pie chart using JDBC. Now I want to add hyperlinks to each slice in the pie chart. Has anyone done it before? I would really appreciate if someone could help me on this. Thank you, Shahid
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