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  1. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mantis/view.php?id=4626
  2. Additionally "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet=false" is ignored - whole report content is exported to one worksheet, but table in this worksheet has multiple column headers anyway (like there would be pages)...
  3. It would be great to have the ability to define own colors for user interface.
  4. Hi Giulio, when are you planning to fix this problem? It's quite annoying... Regards, ty
  5. I was able to imitate trend-line by using multi-axis chart with bar and line charts in it. To make the result as chart with trend line I had to setup the same min and max values for both charts and then make values axis and labels invisible for one of charts (for example, white line and labels on white background --> it means that gradient colors can't be used for chart background). Of course this is just a workaround and it would be great if jasper reports could support this functionality "out of the box". Regards, ty
  6. This FR is similar to request #0002670, the only difference is that requester there wants support of printWhenExpression in crosstabCell.
  7. Option#1 If you are using Oracle, then you can use LIKE operator, for example: select * from employees where first_name LIKE '$P{first_name}' and last_name LIKE '$P{last_name)' In this case if you don't need to filter by first name, then set '%' as default value for $P{first_name} and use this default value. Option#2 If you are using your own UI and passing values to jasper yourself, then you can pass part of SQL query, for example: select * from employees where $P!{your_where_clause} where $P!{your_where_clause} will be replaced with dynamical restriction created by your own application/UI (for example, your application will generate string - last_name LIKE '$P{last_name)' - and pass it to jasper). Please also read tutorial about parameters: http://jasperforge.org/website/ireportwebsite/IR%20Website/ir_using_parameters.html?header=project&target=ireport Best regards, ty
  8. Hi all, in crosstab we are using total lines to print different calculated values (sum, avg, rate, etc). In some case we need to display one calculation (for example, SUM) in row group header and different calculation (for example, rate) in row group footer. Now it's not possible to implement such layout in Jasper, because total row can be only in Start or only in End, but not in both positions... I would like to understand why we have such restriction for total rows in crosstabs? Regards, ty
  9. Hi all, imagine the following data: RowGroup1a RowGroup2a ColumnGroup1 1RowGroup1a RowGroup2a ColumnGroup2 2RowGroup1a RowGroup2b ColumnGroup1 3RowGroup1a RowGroup2b ColumnGroup2 4RowGroup1b RowGroup2a ColumnGroup1 5RowGroup1b RowGroup2a ColumnGroup2 6RowGroup1b RowGroup2b ColumnGroup1 7RowGroup1b RowGroup2b ColumnGroup2 8RowGroup1c null ColumnGroup1 9RowGroup1c null ColumnGroup2 10 This will produce the following crosstab (value in RowGroup1x are sum of values in appropriate RowGroup2x): ColumnGroup1 ColumnGroup2RowGroup1a 4 6 RowGroup2a 1 2 RowGroup2b 3 4RowGroup1b 12 14 RowGroup2a 5 6 RowGroup2b 7 8RowGroup1c 9 10 null 9 10 Are there any options how to remove row with 'null' and show row with 'RowGroup1c'? Using 'Print When Expression' + 'Remove Line When Blank' is not working in cross-tab... Teodor, is it a feature request? Regards, ty Post Edited by typhoon at 03/11/2010 07:48
  10. Hi, are trend lines supported in charts in JasperReports? AFAIK trend lines can be implemented in JFreeChart, but I can't find any properties for setting trend line in iReport. Regards, ty
  11. Hi all, we are using crosstab element, where rows are SALES_TYPE and columns are SALES_MONTH and use the following formula in crosstab detail cell: new java.math.BigDecimal( $V{SALES_COUNT_Measure}.doubleValue() / $V{SALES_COUNT_Measure_SALES_TYPE_ALL}.doubleValue() ) It gives percentage of <sales count in current row> to <sales count for the whole month>. Now in total column we need to calculate sum of these percentages. We can't use formula new java.math.BigDecimal( $V{SALES_COUNT_Measure_SALES_MONTH_ALL}.doubleValue() / $V{SALES_COUNT_Measure_SALES_TYPE_SALES_MONTH_ALL}.doubleValue() ) because sum of correlations is not the same as corellation of sums. Any ideas how it can be achieved? Regards, typhoon
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