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Everything posted by raylee

  1. Excellent answer! I ran into the same issue only my query is too big to fit into the URL querystring. In iReport I can't figure out how to get the YTD and previous year figures. I can just get each individual day with Data(?, 0). SELECT NON EMPTY { Hierarchize ( { [Completion Date].[2011], Descendants( [Completion Date].[2012].[Jan] ) } ) } ON 0..... Can anyone help? Thanks!
  2. This is should do it: Integer.valueOf($F{Crew Filled}.getMinutes()).doubleValue() - Integer.valueOf($F{Call Started}.getMinutes()).doubleValue()
  3. Parameters are used the same whether it's stored proc or a query: stored_proc($P{parameter}) Post Edited by raylee at 02/24/2012 21:52
  4. Check this out: http://gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/08/creating-a-dashboard-in-sharepoint-using-jasperserver-reports/
  5. How did you guys get passed the query dialog box? Everytime I enter an MDX I get "No such tuple (________) on axis 0." This happens on iReport 4.1.3 and 4.5.0. Java 6 Update 23 (32bit). I posted on the forum under a different thread (link below) but haven't received a response yet. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=95384
  6. Works fine for me. I have Windows 7 Pro x64. iReport 4.5.0 (non installer version). Java 6 update 23 (64 bit). Maybe check your Java version is in fact 64bit.
  7. I have an MDX query that works but when put into an iReport report I get "No such tuple ([Measures].[a]) on axis 0." Thing is I can bring up the dimenions no problems. Just measures it cannot. The query is below. It's funny because the measures are on axis 1 so I placed flipped the query and placed measures on axix 0 with the same "No such tuple ([Measures].[a]) on axis 0" error. [Order Fulfillment and Survey] is a virtual cube, I also tried with a cube and a much simplier query without cross joins and the same issue happens. I'm using iReport 4.1.3. JasperReports version 4.1.3. Java 6 Update 25. Not that it matters but Oracle 11g DB. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Code:SELECTNON EMPTY [service Order].[Day].Members ON COLUMNS,NON EMPTY CrossJoin({[CSAT],[Measures].[a],[Measures].[b]},[Product Type].Children)) ON AXIS(1)FROM [Order Fulfillment and Survey]
  8. I've been looking for ways to do dynamic formatting but I don't think it's possible in iReport. In competiting products such as Crystal Reports one can perform many types of dynamic abilities such as changing font color based on formulas. Practically everything can customized based on formulas. There are workarounds to some things but I find them far easier and more capable in Crystal. If anyone from Jasper is reading this, please consider integrating these features into the products.
  9. I have an MDX query that works but when put into an iReport report I get "No such tuple ([Measures].[a]) on axis 0." Thing is I can bring up the dimenions no problems. Just measures it cannot. The query is below. It's funny because the measures are on axis 1 so I placed flipped the query and placed measures on axix 0 with the same "No such tuple ([Measures].[a]) on axis 0" error. [Order Fulfillment and Survey] is a virtual cube, I also tried with a cube and a much simplier query without cross joins and the same issue happens. I'm using iReport 4.1.3. JasperReports version 4.1.3. Java 6 Update 25. Not that it matters but Oracle 11g DB. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Code:SELECTNON EMPTY [service Order].[Day].Members ON COLUMNS,NON EMPTY CrossJoin({[CSAT],[Measures].[a],[Measures].[b]},[Product Type].Children)) ON AXIS(1)FROM [Order Fulfillment and Survey]
  10. I've not come across such a setting, however, you may want to think about restructuring the email depending on what the content of the email is about. A 2000 character email is a bit excessive for say a status report. I find people often don't have time to read more than few sentences.
  11. Sorry I don't quite understand your 2nd last sentence. Are you saying the PDF loads correct after reloading the browser and exporting again? This happens every time you try to export PDF? I'm thinking it could be the Adobe plugin. I find it's wonky sometimes. Try another browser to test the theory. Reinstall if it turns out that is the issue.
  12. To connect to other databases such as your mysql db, you'll need to create a data source in jasper server. When deploying your report, there's a screen where you select the report's data source. Select the datasource created in jasper server and that's it!
  13. Issue resolved. I have JAS deployed on Tomcat on port 8080. Port 80 is being redirected to port 8888. I was using the repository URL: http://[server]/jasperserver/services/repository but I guess JAS doesn't like the redirect even though the URL works in the browser. Using the repository URL http://[server]:8080/jasperserver/services/repository resolved the issue.
  14. I'm not sure why that error exists but to get around it I just created a parameter called DATABASE_TIMEZONE with no default value and type java.util.TimeZone and that got rid of the error. repo: isn't specified on the subreport. It's specified on the main report or report using the subreport. Specifiy it in the "Subreport Expression" instead of "C:\\...."
  15. Hi, I'm using iReport 4.1.1 and trying to publish are report to Japser Server 4.2.1 deployed on Tomcat 7.0.21. I was able to publish reports no problem before. Now when I do it, I get "SAXException: bad envolope tag: html." Did a number of searches and wasn't able to find out a resolution to this issue. The same error happens no matter what type of report I try to publish...even a blank one! Can anyone offer any assistance with this matter? Thanks, Ray Post Edited by raylee at 11/02/2011 19:41
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