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Everything posted by slow

  1. you can use the "print when" passing a parameter that you use to avoid the export the details. But I can not understand the real motives of such a structure...
  2. try to be more clear in your question... "calculus" what means? Post Edited by slow at 03/10/2010 14:24
  3. the error isn't related to the programming logic or the report template... it's related to the java version you use to run the code (and the related jars) read this article: http://techtracer.com/2007/10/10/resolving-the-unsupported-majorminor-version-490-error/ (the path you use in your code seems to be in windows-like format... and not in the unix-like one.) ...load("C:\\reportporeleaseparam.jrxml");...exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, "C:\\reportporeleaseparamclassic.pdf");
  4. try this: create a variable "currentPage" class:Integer reset type:page expression:$V{PAGE_NUMBER} initial value: new Integer(0) on your text field set: evaluation time: AUTO expression: $V{currentPage}.equals($V{PAGE_NUMBER}) ? "SHOW" :"HIDE" (this works only with expression and not in the "print when" section) (if you know the record-per-page number, or directly the number of pages that you create, you can pass it as a parameter to the report...) ------------------------- if it works, give me some karma :) Post Edited by slow at 03/10/2010 10:30
  5. try this: String[] labels = new String[...]; ... labels[0]="n1"; labels[1]="n3"; labels[2]="blablabla..."; ... exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.SHEET_NAMES,labels); (give me karma points if it works :) )
  6. I think it's better to work with separate cell (column), one for the TYPE and another for the number, so you can control the pixel-range between them. the escape sequence "\t" seems to be useless in a format lyke pdf, xls...
  7. ehm... for a programmer it is simple to do... (I do it with java...) but it seems to be more more difficult working only with ireport... and I think it's impossible without the power of scripting, programming tool,etc. that use basic concept as loop etc. to do all only with a valid (but limited without external control) tool as ireport... I hope others can give yiu better support on...
  8. you can obtain your multiple files programmatically, creating one report for a single customer (the report query receives a parameter, the custerm id) and then launching in a loop over the customer dataset the report generation with the respective filename and customer id...
  9. try to use subreports, one for each query you want to use in the master report...
  10. try to use a basic query when use the connection... such as "select 1 from dual" Post Edited by slow at 02/19/2010 10:01
  11. from the jasperreport guide: "A subreport is in fact a normal report that has been incorporated into another report". So , why create a subreport in a report an then output them in two different files? In this case, the subreport is a report... so you have two reports to output! When I neet to output multiple reports at once I make it programmatically.
  12. are you sure that the number of rows is fixed and a single page contains them? in case of fixed number, you can make a single report with two subreport in different pages... each subreport shows different columns and the sql statament to get them forced a fixed order by clause, so in each page you have the same row at the same position. send me news if you solve it... Post Edited by slow at 02/19/2010 09:12 Post Edited by slow at 02/19/2010 09:12
  13. I think is an effect of the text justification... nothing wrong... :) from wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justification_(typesetting) "In justified text, the spaces between words, and, to a lesser extent, between glyphs or letters (kerning), are stretched or sometimes compressed in order to make the text align with both the left and right margins." http://www.creativepro.com/files/story_images/20081211TT_fg01.gif Post Edited by slow at 02/19/2010 13:14
  14. try this... (oracle version... with the rownum column) select t.*, floor((rownum-1)/NUM) as page from table t order by t.col1 where NUM is the number of rows per page. Then create a group with the page field and start a new page every time it changes. for mysql version, use the rownum equivalent SELECT @rownum:=@rownum+1 rownum, t.*FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) r, mytable t; (slow) Post Edited by slow at 02/18/2010 15:25
  15. is there a way to make generic styles? currently one style, when you define a rule, can be applied to a single field with the respective state. if applied to another field, this field would inherit the rule of the defined style. normally the rule is defined using values derived from datasource, there is a way to capture the contents of the field itself in the definition? something like new Boolean (FIELD_VALUE.equals ( "something")) where FIELD_VALUE would be something like the operator "this" in Java referred to the textfield it is applied to. In this way the style will become generic and is applicable to all fields of a report, with no need to create many rules on a styles, one for each field that must apply to. thanks in advance (slow)
  16. the best method for the test you make is FIELDNAME.equals("something") because you pass to the method a simple string ad not a regular expression... but that isn't a error... the code you past seem to be correct... try to use something like this in your rule: new Boolean ($F{DiagnosticView_Status}.toUpperCase().equals( "...something...".toUpperCase() )) (the test is case sensitive...!) if numbers (integers?) avoid the issue, another way to solce it is to code the string from the db in a number code and then set in the rule you specify the correct number.
  17. it works on my test... can you past all the jrxml code that concerns $F{DiagnosticView_Status} field?
  18. is there a way to make generic styles? currently one style, when you define a rule, can be applied to a single field with the respective state. if applied to another field, this field would inherit the rule of the defined style. normally the rule is defined using values derived from datasource, is there a way to capture the contents of the field itself in the definition? something like new Boolean (FIELD_VALUE.equals ( "something")) where FIELD_VALUE would be something like the operator "this" in Java referred to the textfield it is applied to. In this way the style will become generic and is applicable to all fields of a report, with no need to create many rules on a styles, one for each field that must apply to. thanks in advance (slow) Post Edited by slow at 05/12/2010 09:43
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