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  1. Hi. I have a report with two subreport inside it. When I execute the main report with active connection( With data extracted from database), everythings work fine. When I execute the main report with empty data source I can view only the main report. I'm not able to see the subreports inside it. What can I do to see the main report with its subreports, while executing with empty data source I'm in need of this fonctionality for my project. Thank you in advance. Remark: I'm using Ireport 3.0.0
  2. Hi, no one can answer this question /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/confused_smile.gif ?
  3. Hi Please can you tell me if it is possible to use two querries in one cross tab. In fact I want to use the first query for the crosstab datat itself, and the second query to retrieve some results related to rows, and then I will put this results (in the Sums column )beside the sums of the rows. waiting for your answer Thank you/tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif
  4. I'm new in Ireport, I tried to use the newest version of Irepot but it found it very hard to use. while looking for documentation in internet I found documentations about the version 3.0.0 . So I downlowded this version and I find it very good :-). May be it contain some bugs but it is easy to use, every things I want to use is easily accessible. I wanted to share with you this thought may be it will be interesting for you to have it.
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