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Everything posted by cacjr

  1. Hi guys, I know that I can use the HTML_HEADER and HTML_FOOTER exporter parameters to replace the standard HTML exported by Jasper with some of my own. I would like to be able to do something similar to insert some HTML between two subreports. Ordinarily, I would assume that the solution is to do this using staticText or textField elements in the JRXML, but the HTML I would like to use contains tags not supported by the standard HTML exporter. I'm assuming that to do what I want to do, I will need to override some method in some class in the HTML exporter chain of events used by exportReportToWriter. Can you suggest what might be the best class/method to override to do this? I'm learning a lot digging into the internals of Jasper - it's kinda fun seeing how things are put together from the JRXML into the finished report :). Thanks for any pointers you can provide, Chuck.
  2. Well, I figured out my problem. I decided eventually that it had to be the numbers, so I started drawing it all out on paper and it turns out that I had a width problem and a band height problem causing overlaps. After adjusting, all works as expected. This is what we call a PICNIC error (Problem In Chair, Not In Computer) /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif. Sorry for the waste of time for those who read this thread!
  3. Hi everyone, Does anyone know under what circumstances the PDF and HTML versions of a report might output differently? Any ideas you might have would be appreciated. I have a JRXML file that populates using an HQL query in the JRXML itself. This report is used in a Spring web app using the JasperMultiFormatReportView. When I go to the report using http://myurl/report/hqlReport.htm?format=pdf, I get exactly what I expect. However, when I use http://myurl/report/hqlReport.htm?format=html, a few elements are missing entirely: - I have a columnHeader band with 5 staticText elements and a line. All print fine in the PDF version. In the HTML version, none of the staticText elements appear, but the line does. - In a groupFooter band, I have 2 textField elements, a horizontal barChart, and then 2 more textField elements. In the PDF version, all of these appear. In the HTML version, the second textField element does not display at all for any row in the groupFooter, but everything else in each row does. I've looked at the JRXML in iReport and nothing overlaps as far as I can tell. Modifying the width, height, x & y values of various elements has not helped any either. I feel fairly confident in the JRXML and the data since the PDF version does exactly what I want it to. Is there anything else I can try to help out the HTML version?
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