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Everything posted by erhorn

  1. same issue here! i'm trying to use this option but it also return null's values in my crosstab... the Schema Reference says: "Returns whether the crosstab data is pre-sorted according to the crosstab's groups. The crosstab calculation engine can optimize the calculations if the data is sorted by the row groups and column groups. For example, if there are two row groups R1 and R2 (subgroup of R1) and three column groups C1, C2 and C3 the data should be sorted by R1, R2, C1, C2, C3." i tryed selecting the field in order but does not work. i need to use the presorted because my query return names with accents, and without the presorted option selected, the crosstab returns the names with accents in the last rows, in diferent order of the database... like: Alberto Carlos Ricardo Walter Álberto Élcio need some examples about how to implement the query using the presorted option. Thanks for now.
  2. hi there! i'm trying to do the same thing as zamudio but in my case, the values are Integer. i created a parameter called "yearsCollection" of type collection and the Default Value set to new ArrayList(Arrays.asList( new Integer[]{new Integer(2008),new Integer(2009),new Integer(2010)} )) i have a column in my database called "year" of type int.. i passed the parameter value to the query like this: $X{ IN, year, yearsCollection} when i run the report and in the prompt window i click in the "Use Default" button, the reports fills correct, but when i try to set values in the prompt text field (ex: 2008,2009) it crashes and the following error appears: Implicit conversion from datatype 'CHAR' to 'INT' is not allowed. =/, i read somewhere that the jasper assumes that the values datatypes passed to the $X{ IN, year, yearCollection} are supposed in the runtime, so i don't know how to manage this issue... i also tried this way: "year IN ($P!{yearCollection})" with no success i'm using iReports 3.7 and JasperServer 3.7 i hope someone can help me!
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