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Posts posted by despec

  1. There is a special parameter symbol in Ireport--the $X parameter as described in this excerpt from the Ultimate guide:


    6.2.2 IN and NOT IN clause


    JasperReports provides a special syntax to use with a where condition: the clause IN and NOT IN. The clause is used to check whether a particular value is present in a discrete set of values. Here is an example:




    The set here is defined by the countries USA, Italy and Germany. Assuming we are passing the set of countries in a list (or better a java.util.Collection) or in an array, the syntax to make the previous query dynamic in reference to the set of countries is:




    where myCountries is the name of the parameter that contains the set of country names. The $X{} clause recognizes three



    Type of function to apply (IN or NOT IN)

    Field name to be evaluated

    Parameter name


    JasperReports will handle special characters in each value. If the parameter is null or contains an empty list, meaning no value has been set for the parameter, the entire $X{} clause is evaluated as the always true statement “0 = 0â€.



    Hope this helps,



  2. More than likely, your object is refrencing a style that is no longer available.  I had this issue when I coped a text label that had a style attached to another report I was working on.  Even though the "properties" look said I had no style assigned to the label, I was still getting an error.  I simply deleted the copied label and created a new one.



  3. Hello to all,

    I've created a multi-select parameter to allow users to select more than one "market" for a report.  This report is also included in the Dashboard.  When I try to add this parameter (a java.util.Collection param), I get the following message:  "Parameter type class java.util.Arrays$ArrayList not yet supported".  Does this actually mean what it says, that JasperServer 3.0 does not support multi-select parameters on a dashboard?



  4. Your axis labels must be too big, so you need to rotate them...I'm using Ireport 3.0, so it's an earlier version, but I believe the most current version has a "Label Rotation" property in the Chart Properties...In my version, it's a bit imperfect, but if you set the rotation to say 80, this will cause the labels to display vertically instead of horizontally...Try it out.

    Hope this helps,


  5. Hello to all,

    We're using JasperServer 3.0 and I'm having a problem working with Analysis Views.  I hyperlink from reports to use a specific Analysis View, but no matter what the view name is, the last Analysis View I ran always pops up.  For example, if I run a view from the repository (let's say it's called "My First View"), then run a report that links to view "My Second View", the "My First View" pops up!  If I go back and run the "My Second View" and re-run the report, the "My Second View" pops up.  If I try to run another report that selects a different view, that same, "My Second View" pops up.

    Is this a bug in the older JasperServer versions?



  6. Hello to all,

    Is there any way possible to filter the measure drilldown in the Jasper Analysis view?  For example, we have a Gross Adds measure and when you drill down into the records that make up the summed gross adds, there are plenty of records whose Gross Adds are zero (0).  We don't want to include these in the drilldown.  Is there anyway to achieve this though XML cxonfiguration of the Jasper OLAP process, or our we stuck?



  7. I had a similar situation and wrote up help document for myself...Hopefuly, it will be of some help to you:


    Calculating a Percent Using a Report Total


    -- First, define a variable that sums a field in your table. Set the "Reset Type" to REPORT and the "Increment Type" to NONE.


    -- Now add a text field to the detail line to calculate the percentage. Set the "Evaluation Time" to AUTO. Create the expression, for example:


    new java.math.BigDecimal($F{AP_PAYMENT_COUNT_TOT}.doubleValue() /



    -- With the evaluation time set to auto, the field value is NOW and the variable value is REPORT to allow for the right calculation.

  8. For those that are interested, I found the answer to how you can send a report directly to a report format via a URL:


    An example would be:


    Hope this helps others as well...


  9. Having absolutely no experience putting together a JSP page, would it be possible for you or anyone to provide a sample JSP that gives me an idea on how I should put mine together?



    Post Edited by despec at 08/31/2010 20:25
  10. Hello to all,

    I was wondering if it were possible in Ireport to set up a hyperlink that would immediately export your report to a PDF document, rather than just running the report?





  11. Hello,


    This is something I jotted down when I needed to do something similar to what you're doing. Perhaps this will help you find your answer as well:



    Calculating a Percent Using a Report Total


    -- First, define a variable that sums a field in your table. Set the "Reset Type" to REPORT and the "Increment Type" to NONE.


    -- Now add a text field to the detail line to calculate the percentage. Set the "Evaluation Time" to AUTO. Create the expression, for example:


    new java.math.BigDecimal($F{AP_PAYMENT_COUNT_TOT}.doubleValue() /



    -- With the evaluation time set to auto, the field value is NOW and the variable value is REPORT to allow for the right calculation.





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