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Everything posted by ioeth

  1. Logic similar to this was our first attempt at implementing a report governor. It's also possible to call report.getPages().size() once the report is filled to find out what the page count is and limit that way.
  2. As it turns out, you can specify this functionality at runtime using code similar to the following: report.setProperty(MaxPagesGovernor.PROPERTY_MAX_PAGES_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); report.setProperty(MaxPagesGovernor.PROPERTY_MAX_PAGES, String.valueOf(500)); where report is a JasperReport object. The above code snippet would limit the size of a report to 500 pages.
  3. I know that the JasperReports configuration allows the specification of a maximum number of pages by setting the net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages.enabled and net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages configuration parameters. This isn't exactly ideal for our application, though, as we'd like to be able to specify a maximum number of pages at runtime. Is there any way to leave these two configuration parameters out of the properties file and instead set the maximum number of pages a report can generate at report run time? Thanks in advance!
  4. I recently had to rebuild my Eclipse project workspace, and when complete, I'm now getting this error on every JasperReports source file in my workspace: cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'paragraph'. No child element is expected at this point. Below is an example of an element for which this is occurting. We're using JasperReports 4.5.0. Does anyone know what's causing this XML validation error or how to get it to go away? Code:<textElement textAlignment="Right" verticalAlignment="Top" rotation="None"> <font fontName="Courier New" size="9" isBold="false" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isStrikeThrough="false"/> <paragraph lineSpacing="Single"/></textElement>
  5. I'm also experiencing this problem and have only a single instance of log4j (log4j-1.2.16.jar) on the project's classpath. Was there every any resolution or workaround to this issue?
  6. I'm running into a situation that I can't seem to find any documentation about that I could use some help with. I'm trying to take input from a single table and map it to two tables, one of which has a foreign key to the other. My input would be something like: "customers" table code (varchar, pk) name (varchar, not null) address (varchar, not null) city (varchar, not null) state (varchar, not null) zip (varchar, not null)And my output would be something like: "people" table id (int, auto inc, pk) fk_addresses (int, not null, fk to addresses table) code (varchar, not null) name (varchar, not null)"addresses" table id (int, auto inc, pk) address (varchar, not null) city (varchar, not null) state (varchar, not null) zip (varchar, not null)So given the above input and output, I would need to map the "customers" table data into both the "people" and "addresses" table. Since the "people" table has a non-nullable foreign key to "addresses", I need to create the record in "addresses" first. After that, I need to create the "people" record with "addresses.id" in the "fk_addresses" column. Addresses should not be considered unique, so there's no way to do a lookup with the "customers" table. How would you approach a solution to this problem?
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