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  1. I have a hierarchical set of tasks in a database table. Each task has a field for time spent and can have 0 or more sub-tasks. I have been able to set up a recursive sub-report to display an indented hierarchy with one line per task. I'd like to display on each line the total time spent for the task + the time spent on all sub-tasks (multi-level). There must be a simple way to do this but I cannot seem to find it. Any ideas? Code:Database tables-----------------------| task | time_spent |-----------------------| 1 | 2 || 2 | 4 || 3 | 8 || 4 | 16 || 5 | 32 || 6 | 64 |----------------------------------------------| parent | child |-----------------------| 1 | 2 || 1 | 3 || 2 | 4 || 4 | 5 || 3 | 6 |-----------------------desired resultsTask1 126 hrs --Task2 52 hrs ----Task4 48 hrs ------Task5 32 hrs --Task3 72 hrs ----Task6 64 hrs
  2. Here's the problem: User runs a report which results in ~100 rows w/ sub-totals & totals etc rendered as a nice pretty & portable pdf. So far, so good. Now they want to remove a few lines (for various business reasons) from this particular run of the report. Can't efficiently be done in pdf. Here's the work-around: User get's the report output as MS-Excel and then "cleans" the data and the prints to pdf from Excel. Here's my proposed solution: 2 "coordinated" reports. report 1 renders the 100 lines in an html table with checkboxes on each line. the user then checks the lines to be redacted and submits the form. a custom servlet stores the IDs of the lines to remove and then returns the results of report 2 which is the report we use now set up to ignore the redacted data. I suppose on a subsequent run of report 1, it would automatically check lines which had been checked in a previous run. Make sense? Possible? better way? Thanks
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