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  1. Thanks Lucian. Gave that a go but not too much there it would seem. The fact there are no report headings or iReport table specifics would suggest the process has failed at the db stage, however, how to fix that currently remains a mystery: <html><head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <style type="text/css"> a {text-decoration: none} </style></head><body text="#000000" link="#000000" alink="#000000" vlink="#000000"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="50%">&nbsp;</td><td align="center"></td><td width="50%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>[/code]</body></html>[/code]
  2. Hi Lucian, I'm not really getting any further with this at the moment, I'm struggling to find the possible db issue. The datasource seems to connect when I test the connection, and the report generation reaches the end of its process, but simply outputs a single blank page. Any thoughts on the best way to debug the message from before, or suggestions of likely causes would be very much appreciated. Thanks again, Adam.
  3. Thanks for the response. I'll try adding more debugging, however, I was wondering if JasperServer generates the jrxml in a different way to iReport? The sql statement executes in both a MySql query browser and within iReport, generating the report as desired. If I find any further debug messages I'll post them back here, but any further help is very much appreciated. Cheers. Adam
  4. Hi Lucian, Thanks for the repsonse, much appreciated. I enabled the log4j logging and re-ran the generation. I guess JRJdbcQueryExecuter is failing to execute the SQL statement for some reason. This is the contents of the log file: Any thoughts on the problem or solution? Thanks again. Adam 14:37:30,953 WARN PermissionsListProtectionDomainProvider,main:61 - A security manager has not been configured for the JVM. The protection domain set for the reports will NOT be effective. 14:38:10,501 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor21:60 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffe3f86: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 9C249C97349444542E1DC613E34CBDFE 14:38:10,501 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor21:60 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffe3f86: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 9C249C97349444542E1DC613E34CBDFE 15:01:18,029 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor19:60 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffd148a: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 54B413187532366BCD548B076A50DF3B 15:01:18,029 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor19:60 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffd148a: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 54B413187532366BCD548B076A50DF3B 16:24:07,742 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor24:60 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffc7f0c: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 6458113D01993E6E0F4CAA10F8DE33DF 16:24:07,742 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor24:60 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffc7f0c: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 6458113D01993E6E0F4CAA10F8DE33DF 10:46:21,096 WARN PermissionsListProtectionDomainProvider,main:61 - A security manager has not been configured for the JVM. The protection domain set for the reports will NOT be effective. 10:47:31,849 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor21:60 - Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffed504: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: B85151351A8EB1F054B86E5564C55A22 10:47:31,849 WARN LoggerListener,http-8085-Processor21:60 - Authentication event InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent: jasperadmin; details: org.springframework.security.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@fffed504: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: B85151351A8EB1F054B86E5564C55A22 10:48:27,803 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,quartzScheduler_Worker-1:155 - SQL query string: SELECT user.customerid,user.nickname,sessionlog.groupname,user.modified,user.firstlogin,user.lastlogin,sessionlog.role,count(sessionlog.sessionstart) as 'total sessions' from user,sessionlog where sessionlog.userid = user.id and user.account_id=62 and user.role < 5 group by user.customerid; Post Edited by atarling at 01/13/2010 15:21
  5. Hi there, I am currently using the open source versions of iReport and JasperServer, but am finding problems with report generation for some iReports within JasperServer. I have a working iReport containing a sql query NOT created using the 'design query' function, which generates a pdf report as expected. However, when I import the jrxml file into JasperServer, associate the same database and attempt to generate, all I receive as output is a blank page without any data at all. I have several working reports within JasperServer created using the 'design query' function within iReport. I've tried over-riding the sql within the jrxml during the import process, however, this arrives at the same result. As such, I am beginning to wonder if JasperServer uses a different generation mechanism to iReport and if this is a bug, perhaps related to the bespoke sql statement. Any help would be very much appreciated. Feel free to ask for further, specific information if required. Thanks in advance, Adam.
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