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  1. I have also encountered the same problem and I was able to resolve it this is what I did: The query of your main report should only return 1 result, I'm using ms sql server 2000 so what I did was "select top 1 * from inventory" this will only return the first result of the query that was being generated, if you are using a different type of rdbms try to search for its documentation and know how you will do this.
  2. just want to be sure if ever I would use a particular report as a subreport in my main report does it automatically use the datasource of the main report? or I still need to define the datasource for the subreport that will be generated? because while creating the report and compiling it I get an error from it if I run it as a subreport in another report but when I run it separately it works fine the error is as the following: Code: Post Edited by colighto at 01/13/2010 11:05 Post Edited by colighto at 01/13/2010 11:05
  3. "Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Table/View 'LABELLIST' does not exist." This is just part of the error report being generated by the code you just might not be able to create a table or view that does have the name you indicated in your query. To solve it just double check whether the table does really exist in your database if does then check the accessibility of it in your server, you might just be able to set a particular settings that causes limitation on the accessibility of the table/view. Post Edited by colighto at 01/13/2010 10:47 Post Edited by colighto at 01/13/2010 10:47
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