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  1. Hello Lucian, Thanks for the suggested solutions. The interpreter or jrxml alteration crossed my mind, but I wanted to be sure there was no easier solution I had overlooked. I now solved my problem by splitting my csv files by a preprocessor, and dynamically creating a new csv datasource for the specific file I need for the subreport. Thanks, best regards, Theo Hoekstra
  2. Hi Kacper, Thanks for your reply. My 'problem' is that I have my filter expression as a string, for example "new Boolean($F{field1}.startsWith(\"Am\"))". I can pass this as a parameter to the subreport, and fill the filterExpression with this parameter, but it is a String (and not a Boolean). The subreport should be filled using different filters for example: "new Boolean($F{field1}.startsWith(\"Am\"))" "new Boolean($F{field2}.equals(\"To\"))" And these filters are defined in a field of the parent report's dataset. Somehow, I need the filter string to be converted to an expression, and insert it to the JRFillDataset instance handling the datasource. Best regards, Theo
  3. Hi, I have a report with a subreport, and the filterexpression of the subreport is defined in a field of the parent's dataset (as a String). My datasources are CSV datasources. Is there a way to set/compile/evaluate the filterexpression of the subreport at runtime? Thanks! Post Edited by theohoekstra at 01/07/2010 12:05
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