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  1. I have a report that I want to run inside an iFrame. This is working and I have used the following parameters which are passed in the URL j_username=xxxx j_password=xxxx viewAsDashboardFrame=true If I paste the entire URL into a browser window the report is displayed and the output is centered on screen. It looks great in full screen however when I reduce the width of the browser window it seems that the report still thinks the width is full screen and therefore I can no longer see the output unless I use the horizontal scroll bar. At runtime the url will be accessed through an iframe which is 35% of the width of the browser window. The report shows, however only half of the report is visible and you have to use a horizontal scroll bar to view all the content. Its as if the iframe thinks the output should be displayed in full screen mode than adds a large left/right margin. I appreciate everyonoes screen sizes will be different however even with the largest monitor it seems the report always loads with a specific width. In iReport the page format has a very small width set (450px). Is there a way to fix the width of the report by passing parameters like the above?Also is there a way to set the default zoom level to something other than 100% (as a parameter)?Thanks in advance for any assistance. Simon
  2. On further investigation in FireBug the issue appears to be in the theme.css where the body tag contains: body { min-width:1020px; position:relative; If I comment out min-width: 1020px my output is perfect. I have edited the jasperserver/themes/default/theme.css and restarted the service but it still shows the above value in Firebug and nothing is different. I cannot find another theme.css file on the server. ....at a loss what to do now :(
  3. I am using Community Edition and yex, the problem is with the centering of the report (it does not centre relative to the iframe. It centres the report based on the screen resolution.
  4. I am using the Community Edition. Would you know if this can be changed in this version? Centering is the problem for this report, yes.
  5. Hey thanks for helping here. To answer you questions, yes, I have a chart running on jasperserver 5.6 and a browser based CRM app which has a home page dashboard that shows this chart in an iFrame. The iFrame component of the dashboard is about 30% of the width of the browser. This results in only half of the chart showing. a horizonal scroll bar is added to the iframe so you can scrool to see the chart. What I am asking is how do I remove or set the left margin or align the chart to the left. The chart in iReports has no margins set and the chart takes up nearly 100% of the width and height. It appears that the html output adds massive margins to the left and right. I've tried making the chart tiny and it just becomes a tiny chart in the same width
  6. Hi I have a URL which runs a chart report and this url runs within an iFrame inside another app. However the iframe width is narrow and the chart output thinks the window is the width of the browser. Therefore the chart appears off to the right and does not sit nicely within the iFrame. I can edit in FireBug the "Margin-left: auto" changing auto to be 0 and it is then ok however I cannot find where to do this in the report. the URL is something like this: https://jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Freports%2Fmyrep&reportUnit=%2Freports%2Fmyrep%2Fperformance&output=html&j_username=myname&j_password=maypass&viewAsDashboardFrame=true Any help would be very much appreciated ! :)
  7. So, does anyone know why the following might not work java.io.File("http://www.somewhere.com/contract.rtf")
  8. Ok, so I have it working when referencing a file on my local pc. Now I have uploaded the report to Jasperserver I would like to point to a web location for the RTF file. How best to do this? Can I upload the RTF file as a resource to the report? If I place it on a website somewhere, then how to reference it within the report? Currently it works like: <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[(new java.util.Scanner(new java.io.FileInputStream(new java.io.File("C:\\Users\\contract.rtf")))).useDelimiter("\\A").next()]]></defaultValueExpression> I would like something like: <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[(new java.util.Scanner(new java.io.FileInputStream(new java.io.File("http://www.somewhere.com/contract.rtf")))).useDelimiter("\\A").next()]]></defaultValueExpression> Is the issue an escape sequence or do I need to use a different java.io function to reference a file on the web? Thanks!
  9. Thanks for your response and help with this. Much appreciated. I am seeing errors when compiling the report. The report is set to Groovy but I have also tried Java. When set to Java I see the error "Invalid Unicode". When set to Groovy the error is "....Startup Failed. General Error during parsing: Did not find four digit hex character code...." I have created a parameter <parameter name="parameter1" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"> <parameterDescription><![CDATA[]]></parameterDescription> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[(new java.util.Scanner(new java.io.FileInputStream(new java.io.File("C:\users\SouthwestCRM\test.html")))).useDelimiter("\A").next()]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> I have created a TextField <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="false"> <reportElement x="18" y="12" width="518" height="20" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"/> <textElement markup="html"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$P{parameter1}]]></textFieldExpression> Ultimately I would like the HTML/RTF to be embedded in the report rather than linked to a file on my PC or if this is not possible then to place on a website somewhere since the report will eventually run within a JasperServer web app. I'm not sure where to look to resolve this.
  10. I am trying to add a field to a report which prints six pages of formatted text (terms and conditions of sale). I tried adding a "Static Text" field but this does not expand the field vertically at compilation time. I have therefore added a "Text Field" to the Summary section of a report as this type of object can expand (Print When detail Overflows). I have set the "Markup" properties of the Text Field to RTF but am unsure where to paste the RTF content. I tried adding it to the "Edit Expression" and tried adding it to the "Print When Expression" with no luck on both counts. I've tried enclosing the RTF code in quotes " " but I just see errors. The RTF info is static text that does not exist in a database field (each report should contain the same text). Is what I'm trying to do possible? If it is, does anyone have any pearls of wisdom they can share with me about how to achieve this. Basically the report is an invoice which contains 6 pages of formatted terms and conditions. Many thanks Simon
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