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Hi, I want to create book of Data Dictionary! e.g 1) Demo Databse Customer ------------------------------------pg 1 Invoice ---------------------------------------pg 2 2) ChileCompany Ship ----------------------------------------pg 3 Sales -----------------------------------------pg4 When i click on page it should go to relative page .But i want it in PDF form .Is it possible? Thanks in advance!! Regards, Neo
Hi, you must set the "code expression" to something like this: I am using query like this " Selec tCUST_NUM from customer"" I am putting $F{CUST_NUM} in "Code Expression" .It works but i am getting big code value ( e.g 012345) below Barcode. Please Help and Reply. Thanks in advance!!
Hi, Any one help me how to solve this problem? I am getting this error.Please i added barbecue_1.5-jar . Error:- Version:0.9 StartHTML:-1 EndHTML:-1 StartFragment:0000000111 EndFragment:0000003866 Compiling to file... C:Usersbg.KMKNT3DODesktopBarbecueReport.jasper Errors compiling C:Usersbg.KMKNT3DODesktopBarbecueReport.jasper! Compilation exceptions: com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.compiler.ErrorsCollector@1996fc net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. BarbecueRenderer cannot be resolved to a type value = (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable)(new BarbecueRenderer(net.sourceforge.barbecue.BarcodeFactory.createCode128B("1234567890"))); //$JR_EXPR_ID=11$ <--------------> 2. BarbecueRenderer cannot be resolved to a type value = (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable)(new BarbecueRenderer(net.sourceforge.barbecue.BarcodeFactory.createCode128B("1234567890"))); //$JR_EXPR_ID=11$ <--------------> 3. BarbecueRenderer cannot be resolved to a type value = (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable)(new BarbecueRenderer(net.sourceforge.barbecue.BarcodeFactory.createCode128B("1234567890"))); //$JR_EXPR_ID=11$ <--------------> 3 errors at at at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$ at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$ Any help would be very very Great!! Please help me.
Hi, How i can create Barcode sheet of 3*8 . e.g I want Barcode Sticker that should print from 8 to 20 e.g i want Barcode sticker so that it will print only that much Barcode sticker How to do this? Where to put Parameter? I can put only one Parameter in "Print When expression" e.g Startinng from 3 to 9 3 B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B It should print only above Barcode. Is it possible with fields? e.g $F{Q} .Can i get Barcode in place of this field .? Please help me Any help would be great!!
Hi, How can i pass Parameter that will generate different Barcode? e.g $p{ param}=" Barcode number" ( i will enter barcode number like "1234,1243abc,(014) 1234 ,etc Thanks in Advance! Any help would be great!!! Post Edited by shiv at 04/28/2010 09:14
Hi, I am new to Ireport.I tried to drag and drop from Palette to create Barcode but it shows Blank Page.Could some one tell me how to create Barcode ? Which Jar file are needed?. I downloaded and tried with barcode.jar but it is trial it shows symbol on BARCODE I am stuck Any help would be great .
Hi, I wanted to generate BARCODE Sticker (3*8) .How i can do that ? I found this method:- How to generate barcodes in Jasper Reports using Java Barcode? Create a new report. Add barcode.jar to report classpath. Select menu "Tools", "Options", then select "classpath" tab. add barcode.jar to the classpath Drag an image item in Palette to report Click "Cancel" button, in "Select an image file" window. Select the image item, and edit it's properties. Set property "Expression Class" to "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable"; Set property "Image Expression" to "new com.onbarcode.barcode.jasper.JasperRenderer( com.onbarcode.barcode.jasper.BarcodeJasperFactory.createDataMatrix("123456789", 0, 0, 3))"; You can preview the data matrix barcode in your report. DO i need database to generate Barcode? I use this method but i am getting error. Can you send me some .jrxml file? Any help would be great!! Error:---Version:0.9 StartHTML:-1 EndHTML:-1 StartFragment:0000000111 EndFragment:0000002555 Compiling to file... M:basisbbjdemosReportsreport5.jasper Errors compiling M:basisbbjdemosReportsreport5.jasper! Compilation exceptions: com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.compiler.ErrorsCollector@1b01412 net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed, calculator_report5_1272355431919_135512: 149: unable to resolve class com.onbarcode.barcode.jasper.JasperRenderer @ line 149, column 64.calculator_report5_1272355431919_135512: 197: unable to resolve class com.onbarcode.barcode.jasper.JasperRenderer @ line 197, column 64.calculator_report5_1272355431919_135512: 245: unable to resolve class com.onbarcode.barcode.jasper.JasperRenderer @ line 245, column 64. 3 errors at net.sf.jasperreports.compilers.JRGroovyCompiler.compileUnits( at at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport( at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile( at at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$ at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$ Compilation running time: 683! Post Edited by shiv at 04/27/2010 08:05
Hallo, I made Label Sticker with Address,phone and of 3*8 box with rectangle.I change the unit in iReport Properties to cm. But when i click on Rectangle properties it shows pixels only.How i can change to mm? e.g i am making 64.6*33.8 mm Stickers Any help would be Great..!!!
Hi, I made a Label Sticker that shows Adress,Name ,Pincode in 3*8 format inside REctangle BOx in IReport e.g I want if i say true ,rectangle box with Label Sticker appear If False no rectangle but Label Sticker Post Edited by shiv at 04/21/2010 10:46
Hi, I am making Label for adress that contains NAme,Adress,ZIp code,Country etc.If am preview with Ireport ,i want it to start from 6th LABEL BOX..How i can do that? I have attached a file.. Please any help would be grateful Regards, Biral
Hi, is it possible to pass paramater as PROCEDURE? E.g 1) TITLE--here i wan to call procedure or pass file and get all data on FIRST TITLE PAGE showing detail of each feild and other details or REPORT e.g AZ = AKundenes KS = H unde/Artikel VK = Anfang) BK = bis Kunde (CR=bis Ende) SW = Seitenwechsel bei SB = Auswahlz.für Auswahl Kunden US = Bter RO = Scützte Spezifikation N,ne EF = Liste der änderbaren Felder 2) ALL DATA wil start from another PAGE e.g Select * from customer PROD_CAT DESC COST_METHOD COST_ACCOUNT SALE_ACCOUNT INV_ACCOUNT CH Chile Products FIFO 5001 4001 3001 CO Condiment Products FIFO 5005 4005 3005 Please help me to fix this problem.. Sincerely, SHIV
Hi, I want Title and company name on each page in iReport.How i can do that?Can i start with page 0.?how to do this?I want to write some details on page--0 and all other page start from 1 to..... E.g 1) TITLE Das Auto Ltd Customer Details ---I want title on every page. 2) AN=product details BN=cust_name TT= total .. And this type of details on first i can do that.? sincerely, Biral Gajjar
Problem in hyperlink from one report to another 12/24/2009 11:14 Hi, I have problem with how to hyperlink two report. Here ,I made hyperlink of Cust_num of DemoReport.jasper to open another Cofee.jasper Report.. Technology BBj from BASIS International When i run on BBJ BASIS IDE,i run report DemoReport ..when i click on Cust_num field ,it should open Cofee.jasper Hyperlink Prameter name Link Parameter Report NAme "Cofee.jasper" Cust_num $F{cust_num} Window Title " Invoices for " + $F{COMPANY} Ya.,it is opening but it shows ---Invoices for Nestle ltd(i.e Company name Filed) and but doent show data only title Can you please help me in solving this problem. Regards, Biral Code:
Hi, I have problem with how to hyperlink two report. Here ,I made hyperlink of Cust_num of DemoReport.jasper to open another Cofee.jasper Report.. Technology BBj from BASIS International When i run on BBJ BASIS IDE,i run report DemoReport ..when i click on Cust_num field ,it should open Cofee.jasper Hyperlink Prameter name Link Parameter Report NAme "Cofee.jasper" Cust_num $F{cust_num} Window Title " Invoices for " + $F{COMPANY} Ya.,it is opening but it shows ---Invoices for Nestle ltd(i.e Company name Filed) and but doent show data only title Can you please help me in solving this problem. Regards, Biral Code:Hyperlink Prameter name Link ParameterReport NAme "Cofee.jasper"Cust_num $F{cust_num}Window Title " Invoices for " + $F{COMPANY}