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Everything posted by kamalisto

  1. Code:Dear all,I want to create the group in ireport using a variables that i created which are in expression i write "(( $F{AGENCY}.equals("KJSB") || $F{AGENCY}.equals("JANM") ? "INTERNAL LOGS" : "EXTERNAL LOGS" ))".It means only agency KJSB and JANM show under group Internal logs but the orher angencies show under external logs.Hope u all can help me to solve this probs.The attachment that i attached was developed in crystalCode:[code]Dear all,I want to create the group in ireport using a variables that i created which are in expression i write "(( $F{AGENCY}.equals("KJSB") || $F{AGENCY}.equals("JANM") ? "INTERNAL LOGS" : "EXTERNAL LOGS" ))".It means only agency KJSB and JANM show under group Internal logs but the orher angencies show under external logs.Hope u all can help me to solve this probs.The attachment that i attached was developed in crystal Post Edited by kamalisto at 03/09/2010 02:12
  2. Code:thanks ckampshoff for your suggestion, actually i used the other alternative which is write those condition in report query eg : select (CASE WHEN ("ISSUE"."RELEASE_DATE" - "ISSUE"."ORI_DEADLINE_DATE") < 0 THEN 'VERY GOOD' END) as ratingDate
  3. Code:Dear all, Here is the error when I try to use a < less than or > more than character. How to write this statement in ireport? eg:($F{ELAPSED} < 1440 ? "":null) thx for the response..
  4. Code:Dear all, How to subtract range of two dates? eg(in crystal report) we used '{ISSUE.RELEASE_DATE} -{ISSUE.REV_DEADLINE_DATE} '
  5. Before i start i want to apologise if my english is not good... Actually i just start exploring ireport for a weeks and i've done a simple report that i have attached below.before this i try generate a report without added any subreport..everything done well but after i try to put subreport into my main report and then it was taking too long to show the result while generate the report & will never preview it..so i hope u all guys can help me.. Post Edited by kamalisto at 12/23/2009 06:40
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