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Everything posted by hvm

  1. There is a command-line tool for importing resources. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v561/import-and-export-through-command-line Do you think if this usable for loading al resources in a fresh JasperServer installation?
  2. Are there best practices how to work with different environments for Development, Test, Acceptence and Production environment. And how to do version control and continuous integration with Jasper Server Resources like domains etc.
  3. Thanks for the reply, In the main report we print also some information. We want to suppress that information also when in the subreport no records are printed.Is that possible with the "Remove Line when Blank" property?
  4. We have a main report, with an subreport. When in the subreport no records are printed, we want to suppress the printing of the record in the main report. Is this possible. How? Thanx Hanno
  5. Hello, We have a report where grouping based on a variable is needed. Grouping on a variable is no problem. But to let grouping work correctly, the data has to be sorted in the correct order. There our problem begins. We can not find a way to sort the data on a variable. Is there a way to archive this Thanx Hanno
  6. Hi, We have a question about grouping a report on a jasperReport Variable. The reproduction path:I have a Variable with name "tstVar". The expression of that variable is just the value of one of the fields of the report. For example:variableExpression $F{profielNaam} Next I made a report group; the grouping expression is the just made variable:groupExpression $V{tstVar} In the group header I print the variable field: $V{tstVar} The result is that the group header always prints the value of the previous record. In the first group is is "null".At this moment we use JasperReports version 3.1.
  7. Thanks, At this moment we use Jasperassistent, version 3.1.1. That iss why I could not found the property Hanno
  8. We have a main report which consist of a nummer of sub reports. The subreports themselves contains Page headers and Footers. This functions pretty well. The Headers and footers are printed on each page. There is only one issue left. The page footer is not printed at the bottom of the page. Is there a solution for this issue? Thanx. Hanno
  9. Thanx, The summary band is indeed nog fixed, I did not look good. We will try the footerPosition attribute. At this moment we use jasperassistant as designer tool. The current version of jasperassistent does not support JR 3.6.2 or 3.7.0. We will look for a solution for this issue.
  10. In our report we want to print a section at het bottom of the last page of the report. In that section we want to include a sub-report. The height of that sub-report is not known at design time. We tried a "summary-band". But it seems that a summary band has a fixed height. Is there solution for this issue?
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