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  1. Hi I have a table with 3 columns in it Name - Text Field Desc - Test Field Renew - DateTime I want to use a conditional style so that if the the renew date is less than 30 days from todays date it shows up in RED. E.g $F{Renew) < now + 30 I'm struggling with the conditional statement syntax to do this. Help please!!
  2. Worked it now... Thanks to all that replied.. Silly me wasn't looking in the Report Inspector window. Dooh!!!
  3. If I right click on the style in the style library I dont see that option likewise if I right click on the style in the field properties I dont see that option Am I right clicking in the wrong place??
  4. I've tried the below code ($F{PCT} > 50) ? "<style forecolor='red' pdfFontName='SansSerif'>" + $F{PCT} + "</style>" : $F{PCT} This fills the form with the entire <style..... txt and doesnt change the style at all.... Is there a way of moding the code above to select a style from the style library?
  5. Thanks dreporter for your reply Likewise thanks kumaranar1 however I must be missing something here, I've not worked out how to add a condition on a style. Is it hidden somewhere?
  6. Hi Firstly apologises if what I am about to ask is simple but I am new to iReports. I have a tabular report to which one of the columns is a percentage. However if the percentage is 0%-50% I want the font in BLACK, 51%-75% in Orange, 76%-100% in Red I cannot see how I can dynamically change the colour of the font depending on the result. Help please... Many thanks in advance. Post Edited by ichilver at 12/15/2009 14:10
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