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  1. Hi all, I have a problem with iReport. I have a main page which has 2 subreports, each subreport is a table. Subreport1 -----(page break) Subreport2 When data of each subreport is not overflow, each subreport is printed in 1 page. But if one of them is overflow, it will print more than 2 page: subreport1 -> subreport2 - > subreport1 -> subreport2 .... Can anyone help me with this problem pls?
  2. Hi all, I have a list to print out. Before I pass that list to JasperPrint, it has an order but after print out its order has changed. How can I keep order of the list? For example: i have a list {A, B, C, D}. When print it out: {C, A, D, B} Thanks
  3. Hi all, I have a list to print out. Before I pass that list to JasperPrint, it has an order but after print out its order has changed. How can I keep order of the list? For example: i have a list {A, B, C, D}. When print it out: {C, A, D, B} Thanks
  4. Have you tried to set Position Type to Float for both bands yet?
  5. You can also try to import a Formatter class. For example: public String format(Double value) { String result = "0"; if (value != null) { DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00"); result = formatter.format(value); } return result; }
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