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Posts posted by fheswara

  1. Hi All,

    Can i create this with crosstab, here is my sample report:


          01 03  
    00   04 80 50 130
        05 30 20 50
      TOTAL   110 70 180
    01   04 20 20 40
        05 10 20 30
        06 60 60 120
      TOTAL   90 100 190

    Is it possible to do it under crosstab? the reason why i choose crosstab is because CERTIFICATE COLUMN it's dynamic, it can have a value more than 2 (01, 03, 05, 07, 08, etc..) so it's dynamic column. i can solved it.

    But i have 1 big problem, how to create TOTAL more than 1 in crosstab? is it possible to do it? Please let me know for this.

    Thanks a lot

  2. Hi All,

    I want to create this layout from IReport:

    Column A Column B Column C Column D (D1) Column D (D2) Column D (D3) Column Dn (Dynamic)
    A1 Total of all D value (D1+D2+D3+.... until Dn ) Total of all D value (D1+D2+D3) D1 Value D2 Value D3 Value Dn Value
    A2 Total of all D value (D1+D2+D3+.... until Dn) Total of all D value (D1+D2+D3) D1 Value D2 Value D3 Value Dn Value
    A3 until An (Dynamic) Total of all D value (D1+D2+D3+.... until Dn) Total of all D value (D1+D2+D3) D1 Value D2 Value D3 Value Dn Value
    Total B Total C Total D1 Total D2 Total D3 Total  Dn (Dynamic)

    - Column A have a dynamic row under of it means it's value can be A1 .... until An.

    - Column B count all of value from D1 .... until Dn

    - Column C only count several column from D, means only count like D1 to D3

    - All of Column D it's dynamic so it can shrink or grow depends on how much data in database, for column D header it's dynamic also the value can be (Column D1 to Column Dn) depends on how much data in database also

    I'm using crosstab for this layout so i can easyly make Column A and all of Column D dynamic, but i dont know how to create Column B and Column C. I try to add another columnGroup and create new DataSet for this and then include it on crosstab subdataset but i got a message like Field not found, can crosstab have 2 dataset?

    I'm right using crosstab for this problem? if i'm not what is your suggestion for this?



  3. Hi All Ireport Development Team,


    Whats wrong with this? can u more collaborate with us? helping us, we are using your tools and i think ireport is so good to create many things with report, but i need the solution for this, if it's some bug or under your crosstab development roadmap why dont u tell us about this? we need some information with this things.


    Thanks and regards,


  4. Hi kchaudhry,


    No, when i right click on crosstab element there is no "crosstab properties" menu,

    i only have crosstab properties menu on the right side of the panel, but in that properties there is no menu that you mentioned before.



  5. I'm using ireport 3.5.3, i only have this menu for crosstab properties:

    - Repeat Column Headers

    - Repeat Row Headers

    - Column Break Offset

    - Ignore Width Property

    - Run Direction

    - Parameters Map Expression


    I also put my crosstab inside Summary Band




  6. Hi guys,

    I dont know about this layouting problem and i already ask for 2 or 3 times but no one replied it, now i re-open this problem cos using ireport it's really important for me.

    I dont know why the crosstab title cant go to the center of the layout, i already set the alignment to "Center" but still it not goes to the center, whats wrong? Am i miss something?

    My question: How to make a "Rank" title go to the center of column?

    Please take a look of the attachment.



    Post Edited by fheswara at 12/05/2009 04:15
  7. Hi, can u make these three columns (Maths Department | Science Department | Social Department) into one big columns called "List Of Study Fields"? cos i dont know whats wrong with this but seems the cell width only bigger 2 columns size not full



  8. Hi help me with this, i already create column group named it group1 and then i delete this $V{group1} change it to Static Text cos i think i dont need that $V.

    The problem is when i compile it gave me this error:
    - Crosstab bucket expression missing for group group1
    - Crosstab bucket value class missing for group group1

    How to solve this?


    Post Edited by fheswara at 11/20/2009 02:46
  9. Hi,

    Can anyone help me with this, sorry if i already post some similiar topic but i think this question now much more clearly.

    I want to create something like crosstab.gif (see attachment please), i know how to create the crosstab but why my result is like crosstab-wrong.gif (see attachment)?

    My crosstab header always repeating same as column for crosstab value.



    Post Edited by fheswara at 11/19/2009 01:27
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