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Everything posted by louise

  1. Hi Anagha and all Thanks for your suggestion of selecting "print when details overflows". I have tried this before and it hasn't made any difference. The problem is that the text is cutting off before it even fills the space that I have allocated to it. It doesn't actually need to overflow, just to fill the space. I'm attaching screen shots of my ireport file and the report when it is generated. As you can see, there is plenty of space left in the box, but it always cuts off after 100 characters. Sorry to be such a dunce but I really need to resolve this and can't see where the problem lies. Other info - we are using version 1.3.3 (no choice - it's the version stipulated by the library management system that we use) and I have used only one band (Detail) for the whole report. Thanks for your help. Louise
  2. Thanks for helpful response, notrolls. Sorry if it seemed a dumb question, but would hope the forum is welcoming to people with all levels of experience. Louise
  3. Sorry, sent the wrong version. Please find attached most recent version. Thanks Louise
  4. Hi - Here is the file. Search on '$F{Item_Title}' to find the field in question, although I don't know if anything else in the report is causing this. I can't see anything obvious in the xml, but I'm pretty much a xml novice. (The report is used in a Library context to generate 'paging slips' for material requested from users in our closed access stores. The developers of the library management system we use say that we must use version of iReport.) Thanks for your help. Louise
  5. Hi there I am finding that a field I have created cuts off the text after a maximum of 100 characters. The size of the field is certainly big enough to fit more text in so I am left with a lot of blank space at the bottom of the text. I have ticked 'Stretch with overflow' but that doesn't make any difference. I'd be grateful for any advice. Thanks Louise
  6. Hi. I am a librarian and we are using iReport to create the template for printing out closed stack requests (ie the user requests the item via our catalogue, a report is run and all the slips output using the iReport template). How do I get the text of a dynamic field to fill the space available? I've tried various tests with Stretch Type and Stretch Overflow, but if there is a long title (for example) it always cuts the title after about 98 characters even though there is plenty of space left in the box for that field. I've searched the Forum, but don't have a java background to express this is a more technical manner! For your information - we have to use version 1.3.3 of iReport as this is the version our library management system suppliers use to create the basic templates which we then customize. Many thanks. Louise
  7. Hi Guilio Apologies for the delay in thanking you for your advice. I have just tested this and changing the Evaluation field to 'page' in Textfield properties and worked - each page is now printing with the correct page number. Also, thanks for the info about the total band heights not exceeding the length of the report. Once I decreased the height of the Details band I was able to increase the height of the Title band. Thanks again Louise
  8. Thanks again for you help. When I try and add the Page Header band to my document (by changing the height from zero in Properties) I click Apply and the height changes to 1px even though this wasn't the value I'd entered. If a try and drag down the band, it is labelled Background rather than Page Header. Is this because I should have added all the bands I wanted *before* adding the content? Thanks Louise
  9. Hi Giovanni - Thanks for the response. it's in the Details Band. I have used only the Details band for the whole 'report' and put page breaks in. Is this incorrect? Catching your drift, I've just tried to insert a Page Header band in which to insert the Page Count field, but the height keeps reverting to 1 pixel and report shows 'Background' rather than 'Page Header'. Also, because the pages are separated by page breaks and are effectively one long Details band, it appears that I can't add any further bands (e.g. page header) to a specific page. I've read somewhere about creating subreports for each page and inserting page breaks between each one. I was trying to avoid this as it seems very complicated, but I presume this would allow me to customzie the bands for each page (ie subreport) that way? Thanks Louise
  10. Hi. I am a librarian and the suppliers of our Library management system have created a series of templates that can be customized in iReport. For some reason, they say they only work with version 1.3.3. which seems pretty ancient. Anyway, I have been customizing the template in this version, but I am stuck on a real basic - creating new pages. The only way I can see to do this is to change the length of the template to the total length of the 4-page perforated card that we use and then insert page breaks. This works in that it prints 4 separate pages when tested. However, each page needs to be numbered (part 1,2,etc). I have inserted the 'Page number' field from the iReport Library onto each page, but when it prints it gives each page the same number (1). It doesn't appear to recognise the page breaks. Can anyone tell me how I can get the page numbering to work (given that I have to use version 1.3.3). Thanks. Louise
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