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Everything posted by sjongenelen

  1. you should look throught the report templates and change a line like "target=_blank" into "target=_self" dont know where though :)
  2. please could someone give me a few pointers? i've checked the demo data, which is similar to mine! =/
  3. agreed, perhaps you should do the both of them? use the query and use the variable, but only use the variable on the report?
  4. is this a full resultset? you can use the java List object to pass it to the child. You should use the Link Paramters in the hyperlink menu :)
  5. Ive read that per report, you can only set 1 datasource. If you wish to use multiple data sources, you should implement subreports
  6. Hi, First of all; i've read all the post about the drilldown methods for JasperServer. I followed the guids using the following: JasperServer 3.5 pro iReport 3.6.1 I have made a first report (report_main) and a second report (report_sub). I want to make one textfield in report_main an hyperlink which link to report_sub in iReport. question: must i use 'ReportExecution' type hyperlink, or 'reference'? ive been using ReportExecution... I've set the "link parameters" to: _report -----------> "/test/report_sub" indexid -----------> $F{id} in the report_sub i made a parameter called exactly the same. ('indexid'). The parameter type, for the record, is String. Now i compile and upload it to the JasperServer. On the report_sub ive made an input control (indexid). now the problem: the '_report' link parameter resolves in the URL to a wrong one: it starts with /organisations/COMPANYNAME and i dont want him to do that! this way the JasperServer cannot find the report unit! error: Resource "/organizations/COMPANYNAME/test/report_sub" of type class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.jasperreports.domain.impl.RepoReportUnit not found. someone help please! Post Edited by sjongenelen at 11/10/2009 13:42 Post Edited by sjongenelen at 11/10/2009 13:48
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