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Posts posted by sjongenelen

  1. afaik, you can accomplish this by using a 'multiple select query' as input control from the JasperServer. Im uncertain this can be done in iReport itself. You should try to get the values from the 'MSQ' in the correct SQL String, which i suppose should look like: "countryA", "CountryB"

    perhaps you should use $P!{}

  2. yes, as long as make it in one line :)
    make it easier on yourself to get the date from your DB as Date (field)
    (new java.util.GregorianCalendar().setTime($F{date}).get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR)

    perhaps you can make multiple variables to make it easier OR

    try to use the SQL functions of your db... for example, i use the WEEK() function of MySQL:
    select WEEK(customer.dob) as weeknumber_dob from customer

    Post Edited by sjongenelen at 11/17/2009 15:29
  3. erhm? in jasper server? use input controls? you can search using data from this input control input which you use as parameter.



    select * from customers where name LIKE '%$P{kkii}%'


    also, i think you should read the documentation

  4. Hi,

    What if i want to hyperlink to an JRXML resource on the current Report Unit? so, a local resource

    ive set up parameters for ReportExecution for use on blank target.
    what should be the _report string?

    I've tried "repo:filename.jrxml" and absolute reference: "/testdashboard/voorstellingindex_files/WeekOverzicht_voorstellingindex/WeekOverzicht_voorstellingindex.jrxml"
    and this obviously didnt work :)

    i dont want to use the JRXML as subreport, but as a 'new' report as a popup

    what is the way to go here?



  5. I dont think Jasper supports the use of Stored Procedures. At least, i didnt get it working with Pervasive engine..


    You should try to make a domain in which you call the Stored Procedure. You can then make a ad-hoc report on this domain.

    again, i didnt get this to work but perhaps you can :) let me know

  6. I've recently upgraded JasperReports on my JasperServer (pro) from 3.5.0 to 3.6.1 (from iReport).

    this worked suprisingly well :D

    I have updated the following Jar's:

    I placed them into
    "C:\Program Files\jasperserver-pro-3.5.1\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF\lib"

    I have removed the following Jar's:

    Since this update, all my reports are no long exportable to MS Excel! All other exports work, but Excel gives the following error:

    Error Trace




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