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  1. Yes, i am using jasperserver professional. Each page is aseperate report with a custom query. i have looked into creating report with multiple subqueries but im not having any luck as of yet to get the desired output. is there a doc somewhere that goes a little bit more in depth or the subreport features? i've been looking at the pro docs and havent found much. Thanks for your reply. i may take a look at creating a jsp to do this, but in the short term a solution based on multiple reports would be benefical, especially if i could use that feature to create multi sheet excel docs with different reports on each sheet.
  2. Hello, Im looking to build a dashboard out of aproxamatly 24 to 49 slides. does jasper support grouping a bunch of existing reports together and run through them all as a slideshow? instead of lumping a bunch of reports into 1 frame? Each of my reports is a full page modeled after a powerpoint document. Each slide is a series of graphs/line charts pertaiing to a different key perfomance indicator. so i have a single report with 3 graphs showing air, ocean, and total shipments from receiving to checking, the next slide is the same, air, ocean, and total from another measurement, receiving to packing. These reports continue on in this fashon. My boss is pushing me to get this into a dashboard so it looks neater and we can use a sinlge url to expose to sharepoint etc. looking at the features of the dashboard and i dont see how i can merge multiple reports in a slide show fashion, unless the reports were all part of a single report. so far i havent seen a way to use jasperserver to merge multiple reports together into one document. I have seen an example of using the jaspersoft library to merge jrxmls with java where i explicitly run each report and call another report and merge them, then store it on the filesystem. this is a huge problem because i can put this newly merged and manually created report into jasperserver since the server stores the documents in a strange way in the mysql database. please help with some guideance, looking at the documentatoin is leaving me wondering if this is even possible at all. im beginning think we overestimated the potential for jasperserver!
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